ask lewk *CLOSED*

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hai guyz!!! im gunna do anuther ask lewk


ok leeve ur kwestions here:


luv lewk


I'm reading the comments for my older chapters and honestly if you guys want to leave your opinion below, leave it in a nice way. don't be all "um no your opinion is wrong!!! this is my opinion it's so much better!!! ahahah!!!!!" like? no?? it's not???¿¿

especially on the arzaylea and retina lovelis chapters

me: Rena lovelis should take her dreads because it's disrespectful since she's white blah blah

ignorant: actually Retina is beautiful I love her pink hair but her dreads were soooo beautiful--

ignorant: actually Retina is beautiful I love her pink hair but her dreads were soooo beautiful--

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me: Allegra needs to leave bc her personality is all over the place

ignorant again: um lmao no she's hot af and--

ignorant again: um lmao no she's hot af and--

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lmao so yeah don't leave your "opinions" (quotations around opinions because most of the time they're just irrelevant statements)

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lmao so yeah don't leave your "opinions" (quotations around opinions because most of the time they're just irrelevant statements)

lmao so yeah don't leave your "opinions" (quotations around opinions because most of the time they're just irrelevant statements)

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lewk's diryWo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt