Return of Protagonist-chans

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  Then she shot a LASOR beam at them. Groupaaa took over the world, and ruled with an iron fist. Anyone who dared to speak against her and her llama army would be punished by spending an eternity in wifi-less hell. So she was quite good at keeping the public quiet, but one day a hero rose up to stop Groupaaa's reign of terror... A MAGICAL SPARKLY RAINBOW EMU NAMED... Bob. He was so majestic, and fluffy!!! Bob made a secret organization called... The organization, Bob wasn't that good at naming stuff. After years of hard work Bob's army finally had the strength to take down Groupaaa. He did backflips, and walking handstands to Groupaaa's castle.... Like I said before he was an extremely majestic emu. "RAWR, WEEZ HAZ COM TO FIT UZZZ!" He yelled up at Groupaaa, who sat on her throne of llamas. A seductive smirk spread on her face, and she replied with in solemn tone, "BICH PLS! THIS MY STORY NOT YOURZZZ!" And she shot a LAZOR beam at Bob the emu and his army. Killing all of them, BUTT THAR WAZ STIL HOP!!! THE NIJAH TURTLEZZZ, SHIA LABEOUF, AND JOHN CENA RETURNED FROM TEH DED TO DEFEET GROUPAAA!!!1!!!1!11 AND THEY HAD NEW POWERZZZZ!!! THE POWERZZZ OF STUPIDITY!!! John Cena thought he turned invisible and said to Groupaaa, "YOU CAN'T SEE MEH!!!" And he charged at Groupaaa, but the truth was she could see him. Because he couldn't actually turn invisible. Which kinda sucked. Groupaaa B****ed slapped John Cena, and John Cena fell off Groupaaa's castle and appeared to drop 1,000 feet down, Shia Labeouf's eyes widen and he yelled, "NOOOOO!1!1!!!!!!1!1" he turned his attention towards Groupaaa, his eyes were filled wit teh rage of 1 million angry thangz he turned in... A RAINBOW LLAMU WIT DRAGON WINGZ AND TOENAILZZZ COVERED IN PINK NAIL POLISH, HE BATTED HIS 1 FOOT LONG EYELASHES. HE HAD TURNED INTO HIS ULTIMATE SHAPSHITTER FORM!1!!!!1!!1!!! Groupaaa stared at him, she honestly wasn't amused... She yawned and said, "Is this really all you've got?" Then with the snap of her fingers 1,000 llamas charged at Shia Labeouf. Becuz he had dragon wingz he flew up in the air and dodged them with ease. The Nijah turtlezzz just stood in teh back and watched, while eating pizza. Shia Labeouf looked at the Ninja turtles, he seemed annoyed. "HELP YOU GUYS!!!" One of them shook their head and said, "Dude, we'll fight in a second. First let us finish this pizza." Shia Labeouf shook his head in disapproval, "Yesterday you said tomorrow, SO JUST DO IT!" The Ninja turtles nodded, Shia Labeouf was quite the motivational speaker. They got their weapons ready, BUT GROUPAAA FIRED ANOTHER RAINBOW LAZOR BEAM, AND KILLED THEM FOR THE SECOND TIME!!!1!!!11 Damn Shia Labeouf and Ninja turtlezzz were too slow... Groupaaa sat back down on her throne, then from the mists of nowhere she heard, "YOU CAN'T SEE MEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE!!!!" John Cena kicked Groupaaa on the back of the neck, you see Groupaaa was secretly a titan so this killed her instantly. John Cena looked to his friend that was dying. "I'm sorry I couldn't save you in time..." A manly tear rolled down his cheek. "Pffffffft pls! You could've been faster! But nooooooo, you just had to let us die!" After finishing his sentence Shia Labeouf's eyes became Xs, and he died. John Cena went on to be the new ruler of Kawaii Neko Land, and they all lived happily ever after. You may want to know how I knew all of this, well the answer is simple... Ayeeee it's meh Groupaaa. And if you think you can ruin my story, than you are dead wrong John Cena... Just you wait, I'll come back... And you'll be begging for my mercy. HAHAHAHAHA *cough* *hack* *cough* Heheh... sorry was choking on a foot... that's right I like putting feet in my mouth, problem? ( ͡o ͜ʖ ͡o) 

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