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We're gathered around the fire pit now, laughing and carrying on. Sean had woken up awhile ago but hasn't really paid me mind. The fire blazes in the dark night, making an orange effect appear across all faces.

Pizza boxes were being passed to every other person and it was just an all around good time. Brad was bonding with my new friends and I think he appreciated the company. Oddest thing though was that as I glanced around at all of the smiling faces, not once did I come across Hunter's.

As confusion set in, being me, I just had to find him so I stood from my lawn chair and casually left the circle. I went inside through the back door and proceeded my search. This search of course didn't last very long as he was only in the living space.

He hadn't noticed me standing in the doorway so I took that time to evaluate the scene; he wasn't doing anything, and I mean anything. Not watching T.V, not on his phone, not reading, not writing, not anything. Just staring at the ceiling, his head resting on the couch's back.

I creep around the side of the couch where, even in the clear, he still doesn't notice me.

"Hi." I finally say. He jumps in result and stands instantly. "Sorry," I giggle, "didn't mean to scare you."

He fills his cheeks with air before exhaling as he fell back onto the couch, running his fingers through his long flippy hair. I flop down beside him.

"Why aren't you outside with the rest of us? If you take too long, they'll eat all the pizza no doubt." I try to lighten the mood with a slight laugh but he just looks at me expressionless. "You don't wanna talk huh?"

"We can talk, just keep it simple." He responded.

I hadn't the slightest clue as to what he meant by "keeping it simple" so I just didn't take his request into consideration. "What's wrong?"

"I said simple."

"Sorry. I didn't understand."

He smiles and sits up straight. "I'm just nervous, Kade. That's all."

"Is everything alright? I can talk with you about anything, you can trust that I won't tell."

He breaths in then out deeply before saying, "My dog. He'll die, I know. And that's okay, won't be the first, won't be the last. People always die." I look at his eyes even if he's just looking down. They're dry.

"Yeah, I know that. But he's not a person, just a dog."

"He has a heart. Legs. Ears. Maybe only one eye works but he has them. Now, I know that doesn't make him human, but it makes him real and anything real, deserves a chance. Everything deserves a chance."

"I like your logic. I'll be outside if you wanna join. Love you." I stand not wanting to stress him anymore. I put a hand on his shoulder. "He'll be fine, just know he's real - he gets a chance." He smiles, I smile back then walk out.

Stepping back outside, the crisp cool summer night air hits my skin and I take it in before heading back to the blaring fire. Joining the rest in their outbursting laughter and crude comments towards each other, I squeeze in next to Echo who had sat in my chair. I put my arm around her then cringe instantly waiting for her to slap me or something but she doesn't - just kind of stiffens then loosens up again.

I couldn't really tell through the colors of the flames but I had a hunch she was blushing.

I notice Sean on the other side of the pit giving me a thumbs up then started up the chant. "Kade's got a girlfriend! Kade's got a girlfriend!"

"Yes I do."


I was ecstatic to see Hunter emerge from the house almost an hour later with a smile across his face. I figured he had just sort of plastered that on for a happy effect but it was working quite well as no one ever suspected a negative problem as why he'd been gone.

They just shouted things like, "Aye, where ya been?" Or, "We missed you, mate." At an attempt to impersonate his accent.

He joked around with them a little before coming over and taking a seat in the grass in front of mine and Echo's chair.  He turned around for a second to say thank you. He didn't need to explain, i already knew why he was thanking me so I simply said, "Your welcome," and he turned back around, instantly engaging in the rest of the groups conversations.

"So..." Echo started as she looked up at me. I smiled down at her, "I think you would-" she was cut off by something. Something loud, almost like a firecracker.

Everyone seemed alerted by the sudden pop noise and most of the group members jumped up, ready to investigate. I however, stayed seated because Echo was getting fidgety.

There was another loud pop, but closer and louder. Echo jumped and I calmed her. The group was still in a circle around the fire but their backs were facing it now as they quietly looked about the surrounding area only with their eyes. Unfortunately all they had as a light was the dim flicker of the dying fire.

There was silence in the air for a moment then there was another pop so close and loud I thought my ears might bleed. However though, this particular pop will most definitely change my life forever.

The Story No One Knew (Third Book In 'The Story We Live' SeriesWhere stories live. Discover now