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"Why didn't you tell me?!" he urged his best friend to tell him why he did such a thing to him, his face was in anguish, unable to hold his tears no longer,it hurt him a lot.

"I didn't think it would end this way....remember me?" he looked down to his wounded friend, oblivious of the consequences this would cause in the mere future.

"I'm not sure I can ..... you hurt me..... ,"he looked away from him, trying to find any way to reverse what he learned.

"What could I do? I had to do it,"

He stood up and limped over to the edge of the building, staring at the city, he sighed deeply and looked at himself,all the cuts and bruises he had on his arms,his clothes shredded in pieces.

"Why would you do such a thing, I find it hard to believe.....,"He choked out unable to hold in his emotions, he felt as he didn't know his only best friend anymore.

"Well stop believing and start living.... because this what it has come may never forgive me for what I have done, but tell me..." He said emotionless, then turned back to look at his friend on the ground. Noticing how badly hurt he was, but did nothing to help him.

"Tell you what?" He looked up,shivering violently as the cold consumed him.

"What is hard to believe about this?" He inquired, curious before he left that he would know why his friend remained stubborn to deny his truth.

"It was hard to believe you were someone that I-," He started but was interrupted by his impatience.

"That I what?" He raised his eyebrow intrigued in what he had to say.

"That you are... "He continued but instead he remained hesitant to say what he wanted to tell him.

"So what am I?" He asked anxiously to know his answer.

"Someone,"He said quietly and turned to face the window showing his condition. Looking at how his reflection showed his ragged hair, wounded face and badly hurt body.

"Someone like what?!" He yelled taking a step forward.

"I truely believed that I could be like you........" He finally finished, facing away from his friend in disappointment.

"... I'm sorry you'd view me that way, but this is the reality." He apologized,but he knew it wasn't enough to leave him with.

"..." He remained quiet, knowing it was true.

"It is time for me to leave,so forgive me or not I do not find it hard to believe that I too was once like you ." He disappeared,leaving his wounded friend both physically and emotionally hurt, as if he was as thin as air, long gone.

"No! Wait!" He called out forcefully trying to get up ,but it was too late, his friend was gone.

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