Through Time

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Amber woke to see Soojung, yawning, and sitting up. Light shone through the room, spotlighting on them. It was late morning. The sun was melting the snow off at the dawn of spring. Amber smelled tea and muffins. She sat up in excitement, hungry. "Soojung."
Soojung laid back down lazily, rolling onto her side. She wasn't quite ready to wake up yet. She always liked laying in bed until the afternoon. The scent of food didn't move her at all. Amber lightly nudged her, which sent sparks of love up her spine. Soojung rebelled the feeling, just laying there limp. Amber tried hovering over her. Soojung looked up at her. "You honestly think that will make me budge?"
Amber smirked wildly. "I know it will."
Soojung felt a sense of sensual lust in her heart. She tried to avoid it, but it didn't go away. Amber got up from the bed. Soojung gawked at Amber's behind as she left their room. She just laid there limp, feeling a sense of longing now. Dreading the moment of facing Qian, who loved the couple's displays of affection and often loved leaving the room whenever "they were in need of solidarity". 
Amber was eating her muffin talking with Qian about jousting and other things of frivolous wonders. She saw that Soojung had entered the dining room and pulled her a chair. She looked at her lovingly and kissed her cheek. "Her beauty has finally graced the late morning with her presence."
Soojung rolled her eyes, smirking. "Shut up."
"You two have been together for 4 years already! Where has the time go?" asked Qian.
Amber raised her eyebrows in shock. It felt like yesterday when Amber kissed her bride, ate the delicious cake, went to the plaza and showered the orphans with toys, and much more. Yet again, something felt empty in Amber's life. She wanted to have a lot more with Soojung. She felt like this wasn't enough for the princess. Something was empty from their lives. "Time has gone nowhere really."
"Have you thought of any children?" Qian suggested.
Soojung blushed. ""she looked at Amber nervously. "Do you want little kids whining around our castle?"
Amber smiled widely. That idea had warmed her heart really. "Children sound great. I mean like we aren't gettting any older."
Amber J Liu stood outside of SM Entertainment Building, nervous as ever. She saw people come and go out crying. She noticed her fellow trainee friends leave with unsettled emotions. She reached out to them, but they quickly ran away. Seulgi was crying as well. Amber's heart sank for her.
"What's wrong? Did you get in?" Amber asked in her best Korean.
Seulgi shook her head. "It is back to the training floors for me. We worked so hard. Me, you, and Krystal..."
Krystal. Amber's heart began to flutter. But she was focused on cheering up Seulgi. She patted her back. "It is okay," she said. "I understand."
Amber saw the members of Girls' Generation walk by, including Jessica Jung, Krystal's older sister. Amber noticed that Jessica had noticed her. Amber ducked in embarassment. She turned to Seulgi, only to see that she was off going back to the dance room with a new trainee. She felt sad that her friend didn't make the cut to the new upcoming group. Amber snapped out of her thoughts once Jessica had tapped her shoulder.
"You can't hide from me," Jessica snickered. "I know you already got in."
Amber wasn't sure. She didn't even check the roster to see if she made the cut to be in the upcoming group. She knew Jessica must be kidding. Maybe not. Jessica was her sunbaenim. Jessica also never lied. She gave Jessica a puzzled look. "" Amber stammered with her Korean.
"Okay. Speak English with me," Jessica said. "Now."
"Why did you want to talk to me?" Amber asked in English.
"Krystal got in as well. I want you to take care of her. My little sister is taking quite a liking to you," Jessica informed Amber. She smiled widely. "I think you should give her a chance."
Amber smirked a little. "Really?"
"Yes. I know you like her too. But be focused on your work. Your debut is coming up soon and I don't want you two too distracted," Jessica joked, walking off with Yoona, arm in arm.
Amber looked back at Jessica, slightly relieved and confused. She was glad Krystal liked her back. When she checked the SM roster to see who got in the group. She saw her name printed in bold beside Krystal's and Luna's. Her heart beat quickened in joy. "I will...take care of you, Krystal."
Krystal was standing near Amber, hearing everything Amber had said. She walked over, a little smile spreading across her face. "Amber-unni, do you like me?"
Amber gazed at Krystal, straight in the eye. A familiar feeling rushed through her. Something. "Yes...I do, my princess." The nickname, princess. Because to Amber, Krystal was her princess, her everything. Krystal grabbed Amber's hand and led her to their dorms. They looked each other deep in the eyes.
"You know that feeling you have when you felt like you known someone for a very long time," Krystal began. "I feel it looking at you. I feel like we known each other before the SM auditions."
Amber saw a tiny flash of light beam into the room. She felt like Krystal didn't see it though. Amber watched the roll of flashbacks go through the sunlight: A woman looking vaguely like her, a pretty princess looking like Krystal, kisses they shared, some children they raised that looked like Minho and Key...
Minho? Key? Krystal a princess? Amber a servant??
The sunlight disappered to be replaced by white fluffy clouds. Krystal walked up to Amber. She embraced her. "Unni, I hope you look after me well."
Amber, slightly amazed at the fact that they were reincarnated to be lovers, though their first lives were star-crossed lovers, this reincarnation was going to be real and there will be no frustrating destiny this time.

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