She Broke His Heart

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Hey guys!! This starts literally JUST after the end of Lady Midnight, so if you haven't read it go and read it now, it's AMAZING! 

Song: Mark My Words - Justin Bieber (this song is soo beautiful and it is perfect if you think about it from Julian's POV.)


No. This couldn't be happening. Julian staggered into his bedroom and raked two hands in his messy dark hair. The memory of Emma's lovely face hard and cold as she slipped from his grasp and turned away caused another painful throb to squeeze his heart.

He watched her walk away from him without even a backward glance and part of him had hoped it was a joke but Julian knew Emma far too well and he knew that if she put her mind to something, there was no changing it. He watched as she turned her back on every painfully beautiful moment they'd shared; from that night on the beach to being locked in his studio room surrounded by paintings of her.

Just the memory of her beautiful hair spread across the sand and her smooth skin under his fingertips was enough to increase the ache in his soul. Julian knew he would never love anyone as much as he loved her. Never. The love he felt for her was catastrophic and destructive and all-consuming and he wouldn't have it another way because he knew that love like that only came once in a lifetime.

Love like that was almost non-existent. Yet here he was, feeling it for the one person he couldn't have. It didn't matter. He wouldn't let himself lose something as special as what they shared. The law didn't make sense. Lex malla, lex nulla. A bad law is no law. He knew Emma better than himself and he knew she was lying to protect him and the kids. His selfless, brave Emma.

Determination replaced his heartbreak as he strode to Emma's room, he would not leave it until he had convinced her to give this another chance. She would agree. She had to. As he moved to knock, the sound of hushed voices coming from inside made him halt. He placed his ear to the door and the familiar sound of his parabatai's voice filtered from inside as well as an equally familiar male voice. Mark.

A million possibilities ran through his mind but he pushed them all away, his faith in her was too powerful to overshadow with doubt. He'd seen the love shine in her eyes and the tenderness in every touch. He believed in her.

The voices continued to converse in hushed tones and unable to help it, Julian etched the rune on his skin that would improve his hearing. The sounds instantly sharpened and the sound of clothing hitting the floor and the smack of lips as they collided together filled his ears. No, there has to be an explanation. Mark and Emma- they wouldn't do this. Unable to control the emotional turmoil within him, he pounded on the door.

"Emma?" he struggled to keep his voice smooth and calm, "Emma, I need to talk to you."

He heard the thud of footsteps approaching the door before it swung open and Julian was face-to-face with a disheveled looking Mark. His heart pounded agonisingly fast as he peered around Mark and his eyes zoned-in on his Emma, sitting on the bed with her cheeks flushed and lips swollen; just as she'd been with him, looking so achingly beautiful he had to clench his hands to keep from gathering her in his arms.

Her angelic hair was wild and messy as shame flashed across her features when their eyes met and he felt a pain more than anything he'd ever felt rush through him. She looked away from him and the last fragment of his heart shattered and fell to the ground.

"Sorry, Emma and I are...preoccupied at the moment," Mark said casually with only a hint of caution but Julian was too far gone into agony to register his words.

"Jules, I meant what I said," Emma's voice whispered, "Mark and I make more sense. It feels right."

The words felt like blows to Julian's stomach but he forced himself to smooth his features into a blank expression, masking the pain invading his insides. He was an expert at hiding his emotions. Emma's face crumpled for a second and it was enough to almost have broken all his self-control and cause him to encircle her in his arms and make her smile again.

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