Protection and Attention > Cobra/Erik <

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Requested by; DistantSpark ,Hopefully this turns out the way you liked it to. Thanks for reading!:)

(C/N) - Code Name

(F/N) - First Name.


'God dammit'

'Where the hell is Nirvana?'

'Freakin' fire Dragon Slayer'

Cobra had found his enemy, his contender that he was told by Brain to defeat. No doubt Brain was probably ordered to do this because of (C/N), she was his second in command after all.

Cobra grumbled in annoyance but smiled mercilessly at the fire Dragon Slayer in front of him. He knew Natsu was strong, his reputation had done him well all across Fiore but Erik, or Cobra, was apart of the Oraćion Seis- the strongest Dark Guild here, so he thought his odds were on his side tonight.

Natsu only smiled back, in a devious manner and this only made Cobra wonder if he had finally found a worthy opponent. He not only had to defeat Natsu for his guild, but also for (C/N). He didn't know her real name- no one did actually.
The other members of the guild were most likely afraid to ask, she was known to be ruthless. (C/N) hadn't even revealed her real name, it annoyed Cobra slightly, seeing as they were in the same guild but he had to forget about it for now because he didn't want to be punished and (C/N) was their secret weapon after all.

Cobra liked to think that (C/N) was currently watching him so he could strive to do the best of his ability. It gave him more confidence and it irked him to think about the sudden swarm of butterflies at the thought of her porcelain face and those hard (E/C) eyes.
His face was then hot, Cubellios moving to the right in one haste movement to avoid the ball of fire thrown his way. Cobra's eyes hardened, his smile growing as a wild grin was planted on his face- he was excited for this battle.

Sometime had passed, Natsu got poisoned and he couldn't even touch the second generation Dragon Slayer because he was informed that he could read peoples thoughts. Natsu growled in annoyed and irritation, a vein prominent on his forehead as his onyx eyes narrowed on the poison Dragon Slayer. The red haired man was laughing at him, boasting at how pitiful Natsu's moves were. Cobra couldn't get enough, his moves were so predictable- thinking of attacking in one way only to do the opposite; like that hadn't been done before.

But then, later on Cobra saw how strong he really was. Cubellios was down and Cobra worried for his best friend. The ruins of the ancient city was destroyed into piles of rock and Natsu was only getting stronger. The fire Dragon Slayer was burning with anger, his power being controlled by his emotions and it went to show how far he would go to protect his family at Fairy Tail.
The second generation Dragon Slayer was nothing compared to a boy who had been personally trained by a real Dragon. Cobra didn't know how far Natsu would go to keep his guild's positive reputation and he didn't want to find out but Natsu was being driven by emotions and as Cobra laid on the ground, propped up on his elbows, he stared at the boy who was being yelled at by his blue cat friend.

The Cat was yelling at Natsu, talking about how they had to find the others; like Lucy and Gray. Natsu's eyes resembled the wildest of fires but he stopped suddenly when he looked behind Cobra to see something that held him still in his spot. Natsu's eyes widened, his nose twitching at the smell of the new stranger who had came to Cobra's aid.

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