Chapter 7

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This morning I decided to call the hospital to find out how my mum’s doing. There have been no improvements, she did nearly put herself into a coma but they stopped her and so she has a bigger chance on surviving but the memory is not going to come back.

“Annie can you come down for breakfast!” my grandmother yells up the stairs. On the drive home last night my grandfather said “You are not going to school tomorrow because your grandmother and I have to talk to you about a really important matter your friend Joey has offered to bring round the work you mist after school. Goodnight.” It is once again a matter where I have no chose but it’s important so I didn’t argue I got into comfy cloths today as I won’t be seeing many people and for a long period of time.

“Okay so Annie what we have to tell will be long and complicated and we want you to interrupt and ask questions, okay, and most families explain this to their kids at a young age, but your father didn’t want you knowing. If we leave it much longer you might panic and think you’re the only one but you’re not okay.” I node we move into the lounge.

Taking in a deep breath my grandmother started “Annie you’re not… well you’re not human, we are not your father’s parents we are your biological mother’s parents, you’re dad’s real name is Henry Smith but after your mother’s death he chose to keep her name our name. Your mother’s name is Joanna Scott, your father is human which is why he could be with Annabel and be happy who does know about our kind, but has never seen us but she was told in case you shifted. We are shifter we turn into wolves. We are called “Werewolves” but we can shift when we want to.”

“Grandma are you okay I think you’re… What do you mean I can turn into a wolf?”

“Yes dear the only reason you haven’t turned yet is because the latest one of us can first shift is at the age of 18 so if we haven’t gone looking in our head before our 18th birthday for our wolf you will shift anyway. Most of the people in your class are werewolves. The song type of announcement you hear yesterday was your grandfather talking in our ancient language for no one to attack you or tell you what you are.”

“Why would you say that?”

“Your father didn’t want you knowing till just before you 18th birthday he doesn’t like us this is why we are not retiring it’s not your father business to run it’s yours he helps he puts new ideas in but he can never run the place. Our lives we slowdown in the aging proses once you hit 24 then it depends on who you are. It had been 60 years from the birth of your mother before she meet your father her mate.-”

“What’s a mate?”

“Well it’s the person who completes you the person you can’t live without and one of the reasons we are telling you today. Your mate is often in school with you if you’re both werewolves’. A mate is the one person you can’t spend a minute away from without missing them but your wolves drive you mad but you can keep some control if you haven’t touched them yet once you’ve made contact there is no turning around.” Is that why Joey hasn’t touched be because he can feel we’re mates? Or does he just not want the chance to be my mate.

“The next most important thing about werewolves is that there is a hierarchy it goes Alpha & Luna to Beta and his mate to Young Subordinates to Pups/ Juveniles to Omegas your grandfather and I were the beta’s as the alpha of the time was your grandfathers best friend but as the generations come we get replaced but we still get referred to as Beta but we were the last generations and this generations is going to be replaced soon, so we will be two generations ago beta’s

“Come on let’s eat some lunch your grandfather will show you what it looks like to turn into a wolf.”

We sat down to eat I kept wondering if Joey was my mate or not then I though why tell me now if he wasn’t maybe that’s why he want to talk to them? Next time I see him I will shake his hand weather or not he likes it.

Hello Annie can you hear me? Annie

Who are you and what are you doing in my head? I thought back.

I’m your wolf I would warn your grandparents your about to change.

“Grandma my wolf said I should tell you I’m about to change.” I started to panic I hadn’t been explain the hole changing prose yet, I was shaking.

“Richard get the blanket and a glass of water! And call the Alphas!” then she turn to me “Annie it’s ok I’m just going to take you to the garden okay there’s more room and it will be nicer for your wolf. Take some deep breaths okay in and out, in and out right I want you to lie down on the grown it will save you falling down… Right it is going to really hurt in a minute but you can hold onto my hand.” She gave me her hand and continued breathing with me making me take it slowly. All of a sudden I hear two people run out of the house I recognise one of the voices as Joey’s.

“Annie can you give me your hand?” I let go of my grandmother’s hand and took Joey’s instead. The pain started to ease a little and a tingling sensation started he was my mate. I smiled, but just then I started to shake and grow fur. Then pouf I was a wolf.

“Annie don’t try and talk when you’re if wolf form we can’t understand you okay, try and speak to me with your mind like you talked to your wolf but picture talking to me.”

“Son she is not part of the pack yet it won’t work.”

“It will dad she’ my mate.”

Joey I’m scared how will I change back? I sent him the message I don’t want to be a wolf right now I want a hug.

‘Annie just go for a run with me it will make changing back easier I promise wait just let me change.’  After he said that he stepped away from me took his shirt off and quickly changed into a wolf.

Why did you take your shirt off? He did a wolf-y smirk ‘Why you like? No it was the wrong kind of shirt if I had shifted in that when we shift back I would have no shirt as the fabric would break when I shifted.’ Oh you were talking about a run? I said trying to take stop the subject of his amazing body ‘Thanks you don’t look so bad yourself’ I tough I had to think of you when I wanted to talk to you ‘you do but you also have to block me when you don’t’ I though very hard on how I didn’t want him to listen to me right now.

Once we finished the run and got back to the house I ask: So how do I shift back then ‘You think really hard on calming  down and relaxing so much that you can turn back and how much you want to be human again.’ Okay that should be pretty simple ‘Here I’ll go first’ once Joey turn from his chocolate colour wolf back to his human body he came over to me and help by talking through it with me again. My grandparents exited the house with the blanket from earlier. Once I changed back I suddenly felt really cold and started shivering. In seeing this Joey grabbed the blanket nicely form my grandparent and raped it round me and kept hold of me I felt safe.

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