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Carter's Mansion

Where is this low life of a girl!  I Haven't seen her since I gave her the reward that she deserved. She shouldn't think that the fact that, I married her father she has become my daughter pfff she had another thing coming. She also will be gone and leave me be in peace

" Kelly!? " where is she

" yes, mother you called? " I looked her up and down sometime I wonder what she thinks apart From makeup and boys

" have you seen your lowlife of a sister dear? " she just stare at me

" what? "

" I have to warn you mother that father will indeed do something that you won't like and plus she's not a lowlife let's face it she is ..... "

" hey stop!  Right there I didn't call you here to brat about who she is and isn't that doesn't concern me! " she looked apologetic

" no mother I haven't seen her since the previous day, that would be ...... two days ago " I narrowed my eyes what!?

" yes mother,  I Don ....."

" so this tramp of a daughter after stealing, she decided to go off and not return?  We shall see about that. "

" I ..... Trie ....." I turned my gaze back at her

" you what? " scrutinizing her

" I tried calling her yesterday but there was no answer and the second time it was off " uhmm what she playing at? 

" call me your father .... No no I will go to him and I want you to find whatever you can on her whereabouts, I mean where would she go she has nothing! " nodding her head, I walked down the hall to the office

" Michael! Michael!  Your daughter is no where to be found it's been two days " he furrowed his brows

" what's the meaning of that? "

" simply meaning that she has decided to take off after stealing! " it's game time Roseni I told you that you will pay

" my daughter isn't a thief I raised her well ..... " I cut him off

" well surely not, I had confronted her after seeing her with a bracelet that costed over $1,500 now tell me where would she get that kind of amount Michael "

Believe me darling when I am telling you that she's a tramp you won't believe, this time is a must

" and where is this bracelet? Show it to me " what,  how was I .....

" I handed it back to her Michael as a mother I told her to come to you and show it, so that some solution could be found " he sighed

" and where is she now Beatrice?  This is unlike her " I shrugged my shoulders who cares?

" I told Kelly to find her whereabouts, I mean she has no friends how can you leave like that? "

" ok, let's wait till sundown and see if she will come home if not then we inform the police"

" whatever seems right to you " I walked out of his office


" what!? " I spoke coldly

" I want to come home Trice, it's been a while don't you think? " I was frozen at spot but moved quickly from where I was and into the dining room

" what do you want? " I haven't seen him in years since Kelly was born

" nothing, I just missed you and I wanted to come home. You know  that I haven't got a place to stay " I closed my eyes and sighed out

" when are you coming? " I asked,  picking from the door to see if anyone was at ears

" in two days I will be there " my eyes bulged out was he serious!

"Is that a problem Trice?"  I gulped

" uh ..... No, no of course not .... Looking forward to your arrival " faking it all

" good but I know your not, now I got to go see you then " he hung up, aaargh!! I screamed in frustration Kelly came running in

" are you ok mother? " i sent her a forced smile

" yes, now tell me have you found anything? "

" no mother but I was at her cottage and I found this .... You might be interested in " I was curious now, I looked and was shocked. So this girl was studying huh and I was impressed at her marks, to say she wasn't smart would be a lie the girl was a straight A+ student in high school better then Kelly

" we will see about this whether she will get this degree or not"

" what are you going to do mother " she sounded scared, nothing that concerns you

" nothing darling, I would just show it to your father I'm sure he would be proud of his Roseni " I smiled reassuring her while I patted her arm

" leave it to me,  And Kelly thanks " she smiled and I walked out

I took the documents and all and made a phone call

" Hello, this is NYC University how may I help? "

"Hello there i am Mrs Carter calling in for Roseni Silva Carter" 

" yes, ma'am "

" I saw here in the paper works that she still had a certain amount to pay in order to finish up? "

" yes that is $2,000 ma'am "

" well I am sorry to inform you that she wants to cancel everything, I mean the course because of financial issues that we have here at home "

" Uhm ....  Ma'am I am sorry to say this but we here at NYCU we demand the student's signature and other necessary information before canceling ma'am " damn it!  Son a b***h

" I am her mother for heavens sake! mister, I just told you there that she's  fine with all the arrangements" just do it!

" Ok Mrs Carter right away it will be done " perfect

" money will be placed into the University bank account as soon as we resolve the situation, thank you "

" no problem ma'am have a good day "
Good day my ass!, you don't know what I want. Now what should i do with this paperwork?  and assignments?

I walked to the kitchen took the lighter and brought it outside with me at the back. Just like your illiterate mother, so as you be!

I was about to lit the fire when I hear a sudden sound


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