Fifty Five

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Roseni's POV

What time is he coming home? I picked up my phone to give him a call.

" babe at what time are you getting here ? " I ask him

" soon, in about an hour or less. See you soon I love you "

" I love you too, Bye. " I hung up. Drawing circles on my belly. Mãe told me that throughout my pregnancy, I would be experiencing a lot of back pain and fatigues.

Ibrahim's mother and mine, both have been very caring and helpful. Last time we went out to look at some maternity clothes, in which I wasn't very fund of.

But I only went to make both of them happy, and all the way through i had made faces from the things they were picking out for me.

Grandma style. Uugh!

" Miss Rose? " I turned to face Matt

" yes Matt .... And Matt please, just say Rose. " he nodded

" you have a visitor? " I made a face, clearly I wasn't expecting anyone

" who ? Matt " I ask

" he said his name is Die-go ? Diego? Something like that " I narrowed my eyes. Diego? Is here ?

" tell him to come in, please " he walked off ushering Diego in. I gasped when I made eye contact with him. He looks so much different, not the Diego I knew.

What changed?

" Diego , how did you know I stay here ? " first thing that came out of my mouth

" Uuhhh ... I saw you once Walking in here, so I figured you lived here. How are you Roseni? " he approached, embracing me into a tight hug and I hugged him back.

" I am fine, just surprised to see you here. Please have a sit " he sat opposite me

" oh how rude of me. You want me to offer you anything? I have juice, wine, beer "

" a bottle of beer would be nice. Thank you. " I ran to the kitchen to get him a beer and brought it back placing it on the table.

" so .... How have you been Diego? " he looks troubled

" honestly Roseni, i have been .... Things been great. I came here in New York to see a friend actually and it happened that you stayed here as well so .... Yeah " his gaze was making me uncomfortable

" oh, you've never mentioned that, you had a friend here Diego. How come now ? " it was weird because, while I stayed in Rio I almost got introduced to all his friends and now ...

" yeah, this one was in jail for a good while. So he came out and I said why not come and see him " he says and continued

" are you happy Rose ? I mean with Ibrahim. " what !?

" Diego please, talk about what you came here for and not my relationship with Ibrahim " I lamely said

" I am talking about what I came here for, you. I love you rose, why can't you see that ? Look, we can go leave somewhere no one would know " was he serious

" dude no. I am in love with my man period. We have a baby on the way, so please do me a favour and leave my house. " I said to him, as calm as I could

" he doesn't love you ! Like I do ! " smacking his fist on the glass table, making the pieces fly everywhere. I jumped from my sit

" Diego, get out! " my temper was rising, how dare he ?

" look I can prove it to you that, he doesn't bebé Listen to me. I went over to his office today to apologise for my behaviour, what I saw and heard pissed me off greatly. " I just stared at him

" do you trust me Roseni? " I shook my head, obviously not.

" ok. Listen to this " he took out his phone and pressed play

' Giselle your a beautiful woman .... Know that I love you '

I gasped that's not true. That's not true. I chanted in my head. He loves me, only me. He can't do that to me. He promised, he did.

" you see Roseni, why would he do that while your here carrying his baby? Come with me rose away from here, his only playing you " I wasn't listening to a thing he was saying

" no. " it was very firm. I am not going to go through this again. His mine and that's final.

" yes you are ! He doesn't deserve you !" He grabbed me by my forearm

" let go ! Diego please, your hurting me " I pleaded

" no b***h ! Your coming with me " he slapped me across the face, making me stumble backward, falling on the ground hitting my head on the tiles

" please .... " I was crying now

" oh so now it becomes please .... You know what rose? I have been too gentle with you. Let's see what I can do .... " I took the opportunity to scream out for Matt

" Matt !!!! " please, Diego grabbed my hair on cue the door burst open. I couldn't see properly over my blurry vision

" what the f**k ! Rose ? " Matt help me up while Ibrahim took charge of Diego, beating him senseless

" I told you nicely man but it seems like you wanted more ( punch! ) call the police Matt " Ibrahim shouted

" tell me what are you doing here ? " bébé was so angry

" none of business b*****d ! I had to get a job done. All I am going to say is watch your back, she will be taken away from you " as he pointed towards me


" babe please don't kill him " I didn't want him to face a life sentence in prison. The chief came and took Diego into custody.

" come here babe. I am sorry, I am sorry. Are you ok ? Come on let me clean that cheek for you. " my face was motionless

" Ibrahim ? Do you love Giselle more than me ? " I ask him

" what are you talking about? "


" NO. I FUCKING DON'T. WHATEVER HE TOLD YOU, IT IS NOT ONE BIT TRUE. YOU FUCKING NO THAT ! " he punched the mirror and walked out leaving me alone in our bathroom. I cried.

" Ibrahim? " he was facing the window



" THAT ..... FUCKING BITCH ! " what did he say ?

" WHAT ? "

" SHUT UP ROSE ! " I narrowed my eyes at him

" you know what ? I would shut up and plus I don't want to .... I will go over Mãe's place for tonight until we both cool down " I walked over to the closet to change my clothes. I turned to look at him, not even sparing me a glance.

" Ibrahim know that I love you no matter what, forever and always. I love you " I walked out

Taking the car key that, I got as a gift from Ibrahim's father and drove out. The penthouse was fading as I drove, only to be blinded by flashlights and everything happened in slow motion.

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