Chapter 1

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// ok so this is technically my second book that I have written. I'm not that good but I hope to get better while writing. Thanks for reading this! \\

《Emily's POV》

Being invisible isn't as cool and fun as you think. It's scary. Your always alone with you thoughts. You thoughts tell you things that may or may not be true. I feel like I'm drowning in a world of people who don't notice me.

The girl that was once popular, had the perfect body and boyfriend, had perfect grades and a perfect family. It's sounds foreign to me now. Like another language. The me then had friends and family that always supported her. The me know has no one but the demons inside her.

"Ow" I say, as I realize that I have just walked into a pole. What a clutz I am. Always bumping into things. The thing is, people chose to ignore me. The teachers and kids talk about me behind my back.

"Did you see Emily's outfit today?"

"It's so emo! Like always ha ha ha ha"

They hate you. You aren't needed. No one will remember you when your gone. Not your friends. Not your family. No one wi.......

"Oops, sorry. I didn't see you there"

I looked up to see a smiling face. Jake.......... the most popular boy in school........ talking to me?!?!?

"I-it's o-ok. You sh-shouldn't be t-talking to m-me."

"Why not? You seem really nice. Shy, but nice." He said with a soft smile.

"B-because your t-the f-first one t-to not-tic m-me in a l-long t-time."

"Really? I think you bea-" He was cut off. I never knew what he was gonna say it killed me because here came his so called friends.

"Who are you talking to?"

"Her. I believe her name is........ Emily?" He responded while gesturing over to me.

"Who is that? I don't see her. I think your going crazy man. We don't have an Emily at this school."

"Let's go Jake. We're gonna be late for class if we don't head out."

He sighed as he nodded and walked away. He looked back and gave a small wave.

For the first time in a long time, I smiled. It was a real smile. I felt all warm and fuzzy inside because someone called me beautiful and I haven't been called that in a long time.

《Jake's POV》

She was beautiful. I didn't know that someone so lonely could be so beautiful. She was just.........

"Hay, you ok? You keep zoning out. And by the way, don't talk to her. She's not the kind of girl you should be looking at." Justin said. He was Jake's sidekick but a lot meaner.

"Why? What happend with her? What did she do to deserve being ignored at school and does it even matter?"

"To be honest, I don't know. People here just told me not to talk to her. They threatened me if I didn't so I obeyed. I can't risk getting injured."

"Oh ok."

What are these people thinking. They shouldn't be ignoring people to the point were they feel like they don't belong. It's awful.

I have to figure out why.

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