Chapter 9

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// ok guys, I'm gonna be evil this chapter. Like really evil. Super evil. Lol so enjoy the book! \\

《Jake's POV》

It had only been a couple days since my beating. I hadn't heard anything from the police and my "mother" wasn't any where near nicer to me. She would yell at me for the tiniest things.

Tripping over myself. Forgetting to do something. She would watch over me like a hawk. She would tell me I was horrible. Didn't deserve this home and wasn't any worthy son of hers.

I was getting impatient. The police didn't even seem to care. What if they lost it? What if they don't even care? What if the tape was to grusom to watch?


I hit a wall and of course she started yelling at me. I ignored her which I knew I was gonna pay for and grabbed the keys and walked out the door.

~At the police station~

I waited in line for an hour. Apparently people come her a lot to just simply complain about random stuff. It is my turn and I think that I am the only person in line that actually has something serious to talk about.

"What do you need?" Asked the secretary.

"I was wondering if I could talk to the cheif. The officers came to my school and watched a ta-"

"Stop talking and follow me please." She said while getting up.

I stood there a little dumbfounded by the way she just simply interupted me.

She cleared her throat snapping me out of my thoughts. I moved and followed her down the hall. I could hear groans coming from behind me.

"I'm glad you came today Mr. Turner. We were worried that you had been beaten more."

I nodded and continued into an office. She motioned towards one of the chairs and I sat down.

I waited there growing uncomfortable by the minute. The door suddenly and abruptly opened. A man I assumed was the head officer walked in and sat down across from me.

"Welcome Mr.Turner. I hope we can get you away from this woman. The thing is, she has had over 300 orphans and has tortured them all. Some have not survived. I'm afraid that your sister was one of the ones who did not survive."

"I had a sister?"

《Emily's POV》

I sat in my room paring at my wall rubbing my fingers lightly over my self-harm scars. I winced when my fingers rubbed over the most recent one. The deep one. It was red and puffy but still hurt when anything touched it.

I replayed the moment of when he kissed me. The way he held my head so gentle and made my heart melt and explode. I might as well just go out to the park.

I got up and walked out the door and walked to the park which was only a minutes walk.

I arrived sooner than I thought I went and sat on a bench near the far side of the park. I lay on my back looking up at the stars. It was a beautiful night.

I heard a crunch and sat up quickly. A person a little taller than her stood only a few feet from her. He had a dark brown fringe and beautiful chocolate eyes.


"H-hi. W-what are y-you?

"I'm Dan. I don't think we have met. What is your name?"

"I-i'm E-emily."

"It's nice to meet you Emily. Now what is a pretty girl like you doing out here alone? Surely your boyfriend would be here with you."

"I-it's don't h-have a-a b-boyf-freind."

"Your kidding right?"

I shook my head in response. Who is this Dan and why does he want to talk to ME? I'm a nobody that is literally ignored 24/7.

"Well damn. Come on, I'll walk you home. If that's alright with you."

I nod and stand walking in the direction of my house. We exchanged numbers and he literally texted me once I enter my house.

What a dork.

Now what am I going to do.
Jake or Dan?

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