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Jason and Percy were playing Checkers. Neither of them liked Checkers, but they were running out of things to compete with. Sword fighting, racing, eating competitions, they've done it all. "Checkmate" Jason called. Percy cursed under his breath. He lost to Jason in Checkers. It was even now since Percy won Go Fish earlier.

"What's next?" Percy asked, his grumpy mood obvious. "What else is there? We've been at it for two weeks" Jason responded. But just then he got a wicked idea. "Hey, are you willing to see who is more satisfying?" Jason asked with a smirk. Percy frowned in confusion, but then raised his eyebrows. "Oh. But I have no girlfriend." This was true. Annabeth had broken up with Percy three months ago because their lives were going to different directions. Percy was heartbroken at first but then realized it was for the best.

"You don't need one. We can have someone else." Jason said with a glint in his eye that Percy caught a moment later. "Who do you have in mind?" Percy wondered. Jason leaned over the table before speaking, "what about Nico?" Percy's eyes widened. The son of Hades had always been interesting to Percy. Lately, just the sound of his name sent sparks to a burning desire that Percy didn't fully understand. The thought of getting to touch Nico made his mind spin.

"Tonight, you in or what?" Jason asked, watching Percy's reaction to the offer carefully. Jason knew Nico had a crush on Percy, and despite what Nico tried to make very clear, he knew the son of Hades wasn't over it. Percy thought for a moment, then nodded. "I'm in."

Percy and Jason spent the whole day planning out how it would work. They decided that the best way to do it would be to have different contests and base the winner on Nico's reaction. "I'm so going to win this" Jason gloated. Percy scoffed, "yeah right. Keep dreaming Airhead." Jason glared, "you'll pay for that one, Water Boy." They glared at each other, which quickly turned into a staring contest. Jason blinked and Percy howled in victory.


It was about midnight when a soft knock was heard on the door of cabin three. Percy quietly walked out of his cabin to meet Jason in front of his door. Jason had a bag with everything they would need. "Ready?" Jason asked in a whisper. Percy nodded and they made their way to cabin thirteen. Once they reached the Hades cabin, Percy and Jason slowly opened the door, thanking their lucky stars that it didn't creak. If Nico caught them, they might not get the chance to tell Nico who they were.

But Nico was a still lump on his bed. They quietly closed the door behind them and approached the bed. As Percy laid eyes on the sleeping boy, he couldn't help but stare at him. The soft tufts of his dark colored bangs covered his forehead and part of his closed eyelids. His thin pale lips were parted, allowing air into his lungs.

Jason glanced a Percy, noticing how he seemed to be entranced by the smaller boy. Jason nudged Percy to attention and raised his eyebrows to a silent question. Percy just shrugged and walked noiselessly over to the other side of the bed so Nico's back was to him. They had to wake him up without Nico going berserk. Jason got in his position in front of Nico, preparing to grab his wrists.

Percy and Jason looked at each other for a second, Percy nodded and then clamped his hand over Nico's mouth. At the same time, Jason grabbed both of Nico's wrists and got a firm grip on them. Nico's eyes shot open, his hands struggling against Jason. He yelled into Percy's hand. "Shh, Nico. Relax. It's only us." Percy whispered in Nico's ear. The smaller boy shuddered and yanked his arms free.

Jason and Percy released him then stepped back just in case Nico decides to swing his fists. "What the Hades are you doing here?" Nico whisper-yelled. "We need your help. Percy and I want to have a contest and we need you to be the judge" Jason explained in a low tone. Nico frowned. Why would they need his help and why at 12:30? "Why?" Nico asked, glaring at Jason for waking him up for a stupid reason and bringing Percy in his cabin.

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