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All rights of the characters go to Tite Kubo except for future OCs! And don't dis if the characters this chapter are a little OOC. 😓


"Ichigo, wake up!" A sharp voice called. Ichigo slowly rose out the sleeping bag still very exhausted. Rising to his feet, Ichigo threw on a shirt and walked out of the tent. When he stepped out he saw none other than Rukia practically fuming.

"What?" Ichigo asked.

"We're going to the nearby lake and you aren't even dressed, it's freaking ten o,clock! So go get your swim trunks on and meet everyone at the campfire." Rukia roared. Ichigo turned and headed back into the tent, not wanting to cause a fuss. He came out a few minutes later with his swim trunks and a shirt on. He walked into the main clearing of camp confused because someone was missing.

"Rukia, where's Orihime?" Ichigo asked.

"She's still sound asleep." She replied.

"You go ahead to the lake and I'll wait for Orihime." Ichigo said.

"Ok, but don't be to long." Rukia agreed. "Ok , see you later." Ichigo said as he turned and left the clearing. He walked to Orihime's tent and opened the flap. "Orihime? Come on it's time to get up." Ichigo called quietly.

He walked in to see Orihime sprawled out, still very fast asleep. Ichigo sighed. This was not the way to spend the last day of a camping trip. He sat down and leaned against the tent's tarp covering. He decided that the best thing to do was wait for her to wake up. Ichigo was lucky he only had to wait about twenty minutes before he heard Orihime stir. He didn't move, not wanting to startle her.

"Morning." Ichigo simply said. She jumped, yelped, and slowly turned around, her shock faded to confusion. "Rukia and the others went ahead to the lake not far from here while I stayed here to wait for you." Ichigo said to clear up her confusion.

"Oh, okay." Orihime responded a beat later.

"Get ready to go, okay? Rukia has breakfast for us at the lake." Ichigo said.

"Okay!" She said as he turned to head back to the campfire. A few minutes later Orihime came into the clearing in her swimsuit ready to go to the lake. "You ready?" Ichigo asked.

"Yeah!" Orihime exclaimed. The walk to the lake was short and calming. When they reached the lake the sun barely rose over the surrounding trees, that caused a glassy effect on the water. The lake reflected the trees around it like a mirror causing a magnificent illusion of a dual world.

"Hey! Ichigo, Orihime! Over here!" Rukia called.

Ichigo and Orihime strolled over to where Rukia had set up a temporary base on the silt.

Everyone was sitting in a chair or on a towel taking a break from swimming. Ichigo and Orihime sat down on two towels that were laid out and began to eat. About fifteen minutes later the group finished the quick breakfast of eggs and bacon.

"Hey Orihime, you done eating?" Ichigo asked the auburn haired girl.

"Yeah!" She enthusiastically answered.

"Then let's go swim!" Ichigo said equally as enthusiastic in his own way. They ran down to the dock as if they were going to jump, but at the last moment Ichigo spun around, grabbed Orihime by the waist, and fell backwards off the dock and into the lake.

"Ichigo!" Orihime shrieked as they surfaced.

"What? Wasn't that better than just jumping in?" He asked rather innocently.

"It was, but you could've at least told me!" Orihime continued pouting.

"But where's the fun in that?" Ichigo whined, mocking Orihime's pout. Orihime then bursted into laughter at this odd side of Ichigo. Up on the shore things were significantly less laughable.

While the rest of Team Karakura laughed at the pair's odd antics, Lieutenant Rangiku Matsumoto and Captain Toshiro Hitsugaya of the Tenth Division walked into the large clearing around the lake. Their faces appeared as if they had something important to tell.

Toshiro was the first to speak up, "Due to us not catching Tosen during the Winter War he has started to cause a bit of trouble in Hueco Mundo. The Head Captain has asked that you meet at the Urahara Shop a month from now. That gives everyone a little time for some last minute training."

This did not come as a surprise to anyone who had heard the young captain. Toshiro's words did not affect them much, but everyone worried how Ichigo and Orihime would react. After the war was finally over it was an unwavering fact that those two had it the worst. Both had come to the brink of death several times, Ichigo had actually died twice, and heaven help Orihime, for no one knows how bad it was for before Team Karakura saved her.

"How are we going to break it to those two, that they have to go back to that hell hole?" Rukia asked looking back on the ignorant duo.

"I don't know, but let's put it off for now and enjoy what time we have to rest and relax." Renji reasoned.

Rangiku turned her head to the lake where Ichigo and Orihime still bickering over his little act. How were they going to tell those two especially with their newly budding relationship?

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