In My Time of Need

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I know it's really late, but I'm sleep deprived. I'm also super overexcited that it's summer now! This chapter was hard to stay awake long enough to write, so I'm glad it's finished. I didn't get where I wanted to in this chapter, but there's always the next one!


    "Damn! Where'd Orihime run off to now?" Renji growled, quite pissed off. "It's obvious you dumbass, she went to find Ichigo!" Rukia hissed. "I hope Orihime's alright." Uryu said as they forged toward the palace of Las Noches. A powerful, strong reiatsu beat down on the group, it weighed them down, some nearly keeled over. Loud roars and battle cries came flowing from the fortress as the adjuchas posted through entrances to surround the group. Moments later the soul reapers and Team Karakura were surrounded and began to tear away at the hollows. Screams and cries of agony rose up from behind the team as a childish laugh and masculine grunts and puffs of exhaustion rang out. There behind the team Grimmjow swung his sword, Pantera, cutting through the adjuchas with Nel clinging onto his back. Uryu looked over his shoulder and said, "Thanks Nel, the backup is appreciated." She giggled as the fighting began once again in full force.

        It took about a half hour before healers from Squad Four arrived as back up. While Ichigo's wounds were bad he made it through as Captain Unohana and, surprisingly, Captain Kurosutchi passed through an unstable Garganta with minimal squad members. "Captain Unohana, Captain Kurosutchi! I'm sorry, I can't heal Ichigo's wounds, the reiatsu that surrounds them is too strong for me to bypass." Orihime exclaimed with disdain. "No need to be sorry Ms. Orihime, I'm sure you did all you could to keep him alive until we arrived." Unohana assured. "If I'm not being so rude as to ask, but why is Captain Kurosutchi here." Orihime inquired. "I came here with a message from the Head Captain Yamamoto. I also thought this would be a good chance to do a little more research on Hueco Mundo." Kurosutchi responded. "Captain Yamamoto wishes to see Kurosaki as soon as he is able to stand by himself, he wants to question him about why the Vasto Lorde captured him." Kurosutchi elaborated on his latter statement. Orihime nodded, understanding where the Head Captain was coming from. She watched closely as Unohana did what she could for Ichigo here in Hueco Mundo before moving him to Karakura General Hospital in the World of the Living. "How on earth did Ichigo end up in this condition Orihime?" Unohana asked as she continued to wrap bandages around Ichigo's wounds. "I think the Vasto Lorde, Seinaru Kishi and Shikina, were torturing him to bring out one of his most powerful forms." Orihime replied quietly. "And what form might that be?" Kurosutchi questioned in his insane voice with deep interest while inspecting the composition of the Palace of Las Noches. "I'm not sure if I should really tell you considering that anyone who has similar powers was exiled from the Soul Society." Orihime responded defensively. "Don't worry we won't tell anyone else. I'll have to know what caused this if you ever want Ichigo to get better." Unohana said as she flashed her famous, threatening smile. "I guess it won't hurt to tell someone." Orihime reasoned timidly. "Ichigo is a Vaizard, so he has hollow powers. He's able to summon a hollow mask that temporarily increases his physical attributes in combat, that is the extent of the average Vaizard power, but Ichigo's a bit different. You see he has the capability to fully hollowfy, becoming a true Vasto Lorde class hollow. Lately this form had begun to emerge as a major problem, it's first appearance being the on the Dome of Las Noches." Orihime explained vividly. Kurosutchi and Unohana silently processed the information. Unohana finished wrapping Ichigo's wounds and called for her squad members to lift him and carry him through the Garganta. "This Garganta should link directly to Karakura General Hospital. There is no need for me here in Hueco Mundo it seems, I'll just head to the hospital with you and Unohana, they may need me there." Kurosutchi said to Orihime. She nodded as they picked up their pace to hurry through the Garganta. "Orihime, call Uryu and tell him to pull back. We've got Ichigo there's need to fight anymore." Unohana called to Orihime. She nodded and pulled out her communicator.

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