Chapter 4

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I believe in angels, the kind that heaven sends. I'm surrounded by angels, and I call them my best friends.
- Pamela Daranjo


After the quite agonizing lunch everybody went back to their classes. I had geography along with Rhea. We went to our lockers and we brought out our books and went to class. Once we entered we realized that we were actually five minutes late and the teacher was already inside but the door was open and she was writing some long notes on the board. "What should we do?" Rhea asked as we peeked in through the door.
"We don't have a choice but to sneak in, come on it will be fun!" I say getting excited.

"What! No! We can't just sneak in what if the teacher sees us?"

"There isn't anything else we can do."

"Are you kidding me! We are so going to be in trouble."

"Just come on! Think about the excitement!" I say grabbing her arm as we sneak in through the door. All the students stop what they were doing as they stared at us wide eyed. I put my finger on my lips indicating them, to not utter a word as we made our way to the back of the class and much to our luck they all listened.

A huge rush of excitement and satisfaction hit me as I smiled cheekily at Rhea indicating that we did. She rolled her eyes playfully and then returned my smile showing a sense of gratitude.

Five minutes through the lesson, two absolutely good looking boys barged in one of them unsurprisingly being Austin. He smiled at me and I smiled back when my eyes averted to the Greek god beside him. There standing was the most good looking boy I had ever laid my eyes on in this seventeen years of my living he was just soo perfect, those soft platinum blonde hair, perfect jawline, tan skin an...

"Why are both of you young lads late?" The teacher, Mrs Grayson asked, snapping me out of my trance.  "You see Mrs, whose name I forgot, Tyler over here was busy flirting with a cheerleader and I, well I would love to tell you but you will get angry" Austin spoke.
Ok even though that was really mean of him by bluntly saying that he didn't know the teacher's name but I couldn't help but let out a giggle in which I got a glare from the teacher who heard me and a wink from Austin.

"Don't waste my time and tell me, young lad." The teacher angrily spoke. She was really angry as Austin still didn't say anything.

"Ok fine Mrs, Austin over here was... Well he was banging a girl in the janitors closet." The gorgeous boy spoke whom I found out is named Tyler.

Tyler... I could get used to saying that frequently...

As soon as he said that the teacher's face went red and everybody in the class started laughing unfortunately even me, I couldn't help it, and I even felt really guilty.

"Just go and take your seats and next time don't be late." The teacher spoke her face still red. Me and Rhea were sitting at the back and there were only two seats left, so Tyler and Austin sat at the back with us.

"So I see you again, pretty girl." Austin spoke. I just smiled. "Hey, whose the girl next to you, she is beautiful, I like her hair and eyes." He spoke. I smirked, that would be amazing to see these two end up together, I then spoke "If you want we could change seats so you could talk to her." Something tells me that these two are going to have history.

And also that way I will get to talk with Tyler!

"Yeah, that would be great." He spoke. We got up to change our seats when the teacher spoke "You two, why are you kids standing up." Austin then replied to her, "You see miss, I already know this girl over here," he said referring to me, "And I would like to meet the other girl, so we are changing our seats."

Game On! GirlsTempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang