A Spy Kids Adventure

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Henry had been eager to escape the awkward situation this morning at breakfast between him and his parents. Although they tried their best to act casual, Henry knew Emma felt uneasy being seen trying to sneak out. At which point Neal suggested they all sit down for bowls of cereal.

Henry sat and painfully watched them silently avoid conversation. His parents, embarrassed by his discovery, avoided any eye contact with him. Henry on the other hand was simply confused. He understood his father's part in this, but for the life of him, could not fathom why Emma had placed herself in this situation. It was obvious that Neal harbored feelings for his birth mother when he brought up Emma in conversation every chance he could. However, Henry had a suspicion that Emma's interests lay somewhere else. Although many, including his grandparents, might not be happy with that particular choice, he was surprisingly okay with the idea. However, knowing the two individuals involved, Henry was sure that the road to happiness would be a long and bumpy one. Therefore, finishing his cereal quickly and using the excuse of plans with friends was his best chance of not getting involved with his birth parent's inevitable train wreck.

Henry hid behind a large tree across the way from Granny's B&B. With his binoculars pressed tightly against his face, he scanned the area. According to his wristwatch, he'd been crouched in the same spot for nearly a half-hour and had not gotten even a glimpse of the stranger.

Lowering his spyglasses, Henry took a moment to stretch out his legs. He hoped that the unplanned family get together hadn't caused him to miss his opportunity.

"Are you sure he's in there?" Paige whispered as she peered around Henry.

Henry had almost forgotten that Paige had agreed to accompany him. Taking a moment to look at her, he smiled when he noticed what she was wearing. A grey long sleeved Henley, dark wash jeans and on her feet, she wore brown, sturdy boots. Paige had taken his advice and actually dressed appropriately for the mission. With her hair pulled up in a messy ponytail, she reminded him of Emma. Henry would have thought the fact that he liked that she resembled his mother would have concerned him. But, it actually did not surprise him. He chuckled as he thought I guess I am my father's son. On the other hand he pondered, was he more his mother's?

"Henry?" Paige whispered urgently.

"Yeah?" Henry answered suddenly brought out of his daydream.

"Did you hear what I said?" Paige frowned.

"Sorry. I didn't."

Paige rolled her eyes. She had only agreed to this ridiculous outing because she saw how much it meant to Henry and here he was spacing out.

"I asked you if you thought he was still in there. We've been out here all this time and we haven't seen anything."

"I was actually thinking the same thing. But I'd hate for us to leave and then it turns out he was." Henry raised the glasses back up and chanced another look around.

"Well, is there anywhere else you'd think he'd be?"

Paige leaned closer, placing her hand against Henry's shoulder for support. From that touch, she could not help but notice how much broader and stronger Henry had gotten over the past year. Paige always thought Henry was cute, even before the curse had broken. However, strong cheekbones and a chiseled jaw had replaced those sweet chubby cheeks, making him less cute and more handsome. If she was honest with herself, she had to admit that maybe there was more than one reason why she agreed to join him this morning.

"I'm not sure. What do strange guys do at 10 in the morning?"

"Eat breakfast since I am famished."

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