First Dates & Hellish Encounters

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Regina paced her foyer, glancing up at the clock anxiously. After checking the time, she once again checked her appearance, fluffing her hair and fixing her makeup. She could not remember last, when she had felt as nervous as she did at this moment. In the Enchanted Forest, thousands had quaked at the very mention of her name and here she was worried over going to dinner with one man.

Regina startled at the sound of her doorbell. She spared one last glance in the mirror, smoothing out any wrinkles from her dress and made her way to the front door. A bright smile crossed her lips as she took in the sight of her date.

Azael stood on her porch with an equally shinning smile. Regina took the moment to look him over. Gone were the t-shirt and jeans, replaced with a pair of cuffed dark slacks, a navy button down dress shirt and dark blazer to match. It would appear that Mr. Falleré cleaned up very nicely.

"I hope I am dressed appropriately for our outing. I must admit I am bit lost on this world's customs." Azael spread his arms as if for Regina's inspection.

"You look very handsome Mr. Falleré." Regina grinned.

It was apparent that Miss Lucas had a hand in helping Azael choose his attire. If there was anything to say about the wolf, she did know what looked good on a man.

"Why thank you milady. And if I may be so bold, you are stunning." Azael reached out to take Regina's hand in his own. Lifting it he gave her a gentle turn. He allowed his gaze to fall upon every inch of her body, wonderfully displayed beneath the form clinging red dress. On her feet, were those peculiar heeled shoes and although he saw no practical purpose for them he was beginning to admire the sensual affect on Regina's smooth legs.

Regina laughed as she twirled, enjoying the uninhibited admiration. When she came about, she found herself inches from Azael. Her breath caught in her chest as she gazed into his eyes and saw the desire clearly displayed. She stepped back and gathered her senses.

"So, what do you have planned for us this evening?"

"During one of my walks through your town, I came upon an establishment by the piers. I believed it was called Sebastian's."

Regina believed she knew of the place but could not recollect if she had ever dined there.

"Let us be on our way then." Regina grabbed her purse and keys before making her way to the Mercedes.

Ruby walked into the Rabbit Hole with one thought on her mind. Her shift at Granny's had left her with the desperate need to drown her aggravations in copious amounts of liquor.

"Hey Chester. How's it going?" Ruby leaned against the bar, reaching over to snag a cherry from the garnish bin.

Chester, The Rabbit Hole's owner and barkeep, smiled as he made his way over to Ruby. He playfully slapped her hand away from the fruits before wiping down the bar top.

"How many times must I tell you girl that this is not a buffet? This here is for the fancy drinks."

"Yeah, yeah. Put it on my tab." Ruby laughed before snatching another cherry.

Chester shook his head laughing.

"So what's it gonna be?"

"Bring me a bottle of Cuervo and a glass. I plan on getting shit faced tonight." Ruby slapped money down, pushing it across to Chester.

Chester took the money and fetched Ruby's order. Pouring a large tumbler full, he leaned back to watch her take the drink in one shot.

"So where's your drinking buddy? You two usually share the spoils."

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