Coming to Terms

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Emma sat on the bench watching the tides crash against the ships hulls. She lifted her beer and drank what remained in the bottle before tossing it against the pier's railing, shattering it. However, seeing the mess she made, she flicked her wrist making the shards disappear. If she were not feeling so frustrated, she might have felt excitement at executing her spell.

"Excellent form Swan." Hook shouted as he clapped his hands. "Did Her Majesty teach you that trick?"

"Yes, in a matter fact she did. Gonna make some snide remark about her luring me to the dark side?" Emma sneered.

"Now who am I to judge Regina? In fact, I wouldn't mind being able to wiggle my fingers and getting such a result. Would help spruce up the Jolly Roger." Hook smirked.

"What are you doing out here anyway?"

"I am simply doing my civic duty Sheriff. It is my turn at watch and when I heard the noise, naturally I came to investigate. You can imagine my surprise on seeing you. Speaking of which, why are you here and not at home warm in your bed?"

"Would you believe me if I said I was on patrol?'

"I would have, if not for the fact that I spied your father drive by not 5 minutes ago."

Emma shook her head and turned back towards looking at the ships. She was in no mood to carry a conversation, let alone with the pirate. She was just about to say so when a flask was shoved into her face.

"What the hell Hook?"

"Go on and drink, Swan. Believe me when I say, thoughts that plague the mind to drive you from home in the middle of the night are not so easily sated by simple ale." Hook stated with a grim look.

Emma shrugged her shoulders before taking a long drink. Her face twisted in a grimace as the bitter liquid burned down her throat.

"Feeling better?" Hook asked before sitting beside Emma.

"Oh yeah, just great."

Emma and Hook sat beside one another in silence passing the flask between them. Hook glanced at Emma and with a deep breath gathered his courage.

"I wish to apologize, Swan."

"What for?"

"For my behavior towards you in Neverland and even before that in the Enchanted Forest. You see, I haven't been myself for a long time. Though it is no excuse, I hope you can understand, losing the two people I loved most, in all the world, changed me. For the worse, it seems. I have lived for so long, abiding by only two simple creeds. One, look out for myself at whatever cost and two, Rumpelstiltskin must die by my hook. But that all changed when I met you. You were filled with such fire and anger I could not help but think I had found a kindred spirit. Then being around your family I witnessed your love and the lengths you would go to for one another. So, when you kissed me, I I made myself believe, that with you lay my redemption. That if I could make you love me, then all my sins would be forgiven. It took a spirited fairy to hold the proverbial mirror up to my face for me to see that I had simply exchanged one obsession for another."

Emma sat speechless as she listened to Hook's confession. She had known he had been attracted to her and even she had found him somewhat interesting. But not once had Emma thought he had staked so much importance on a relationship with her.

"So you thought I was your Savior?" Emma laughed.

"Funny I know. But Tinkerbell is brutally honest. And she did not hesitate to tell me that I would never get what I wanted."

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