Chapter 5

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Camila POV:

"Take your clothes off" she said between kisses. I broke our kiss for only a moment as i pulled my shirt off over my head. She pushed me down toward the bed & i quickly crawled backwards onto it.
"Lauren. is this right?" i broke the kiss to ask the green-eyed girl.
She attached our lips again moaning "this is so right" into my mouth. She was touching me all over my body & i felt my body tensing. I hung my head back giving her access to my neck.
She quickly started kissing down my jaw onto my neck marking me with her sweet kisses.

I heard this beeping sound.. "Lauren, whats that noise?" suddenly she was gone. The noise, its getting louder.

I shot up in bed realizing it was my alarm clock.
"fuck" i overslept.
I've been texting Lauren back & forth a little, i think its pretty normal. What was that dream about though? I cant feel that way for a student.  I can lose my job.

I finished getting ready & raced to school. Thank god i have off first period. As im speed walking to my 2nd period class that im now 3 minutes late to, i see Lauren walking to the class coming from the opposite direction. We both stop in front of the door.
"I thought lateness wasn't tolerated Ms. Cabello?" she said with a smirk.
"It isn't, care to explain why you're late?" i said to the younger girl. "I guess i'll tell you in detention, right?" i nodded & we both walked in.

During class all my students were working on a worksheet i handed out & i kept finding myself staring at Lauren. I decided to stand up & walk around class & see how everyone was doing.
As i walked towards Lauren i saw her texting under the desk.

The message said

From Normani:
Sure boo, anything for you ;)

I cleared my throat so Lauren would realize i was standing next to her. She looked up at me & put her phone in her pocket. "Sorry" the younger girl whispered to me. "Don't worry about it. Just finish your work first" I whispered back followed by a wink.

Lauren POV:

Ms. Cabello winked at me & i literally felt butterflies in my stomach. Keep it cool Jauregui, shes a fucking teacher.

The bell rang & i made my way to History. i sat down next to Dinah like i always do. "Dinah, im having an anxiety attack i swear to fucking god" i said to the taller girl. "Dawg, you needa chill. you fuckin up my vibe. whats up?"
"Okay, so you know the new Spanish teacher covering for Mrs. Morales?" i asked too quickly because Dinah still looked confused. i repeated "Dinah, new teacher. Ms. Cabello"
"Oh yeahh! she's pretty cute" Dinah said with a wink.
"okay, yeah duh. So i totally ran into her a few weeks ago. & she gave me her number. but totally as like an innocent teacher/ student type thing. i really think she's awesome though & i cant stop thinking about her" I blurted out in what felt like one breath.
"Damn girl. When's the wedding?" Dinah asked me sarcastically.
"Please,i fucking wish."
"Girls, please stop talking in the back" Mr. Johnson said as we both shot him apologetic looks.
Lauren POV:

Normani has been texting me nonstop for a week now. Its literally so annoying because she obviously didn't understand the definition of a one night stand.

From Normani:
Lauren, what r u doin after school? ;)

From Normani:
Hello? C'mon answer me!

From Normani:
Are you fucking kidding me?

To Normani:

From Normani:
Okay, wanna hang out after? ;)

To Normani:
Nah. I don't want to be rude. But I told you already that I'm not interested in a relationship.

After that i didn't receive another message from her.
I walked into Ms. Cabello's classroom for detention.
"Hello, I'm here" i said sarcastically as i entered her classroom.
"Good I'm glad. I honestly would rather spend this hour with you than with any of my other students" the older woman said to me. I smiled to myself because just knowing she's happy to see me makes my heart race.
I sit in the front row seat & throw my bag on the desk "So, care to explain your lateness Ms. Jauregui?" she asked me.
"I'll tell you why, if you tell me why you were late" i said with a smirk. She chuckled "Fair".

"So, last night i was up pretty late reading & you know... um. i had a pretty intense dream & i just didn't hear my alarm clock go off" she said to me as she sat on her desk facing me. when she picked her leg up to cross it over the other one i saw up her skirt & i think she noticed because her cheeks turned red.
Trying to act like that didn't happen i said "so, what was this intense dream about?"

She looked a little nervous looking at anything but me. Is she good?

Camila POV:

Oh my god. what do i say my dream was about?
"Oh you know. it was irrelevant. i don't even really remember it" i lied. I remember everything about the dream. How she kissed my neck, how her lips were so soft, how she she was so experienced. i felt myself get a little flushed & i squeezed my legs together because i was being turned on by my thoughts of the younger girl sitting in front of me. Her just sitting there looking at me. How her eyes never lose contact with mine & how her face expression is so serious like she's actually listening to every word that comes out of my mouth.

I was so nervous just being in the presence of this green-eyed beauty that i dropped the pen i was playing with on the floor. Before i was able to hop off the desk to grab it, Lauren got up & bent down to get it. She looked up at me & smiled as she started to get up her hand glided up my bare leg. She was standing face to face with me & she handed me my pen. I was biting my bottom lip so hard i swear i tasted blood.

She put one hand on the desk & leaned in towards me. I was frozen & i had no idea what she was going to do. Our faces were inches apart & i kept eye contact with her beautiful green eyes. She looked down at my lips & it took everything in me to not look at hers.

Before i knew it i leaned in & placed a kiss on her lips. Her lips were so soft, it felt like electricity was running through my veins. I pulled away realizing i was the adult & that i was the one who should know better.
"Lauren I'm so sorry."
"Please, don't be" she said as she leaned in again capturing my lips & running her tongue along my bottom lip asking for entrance. I parted my lips & our tongues found each other, she put her hands around my waist & i put a hand behind her neck just wanting to be close as possible to her. After a bit we pulled apart to breathe, both of our lips swollen.
"Ms. Cabello--" the younger girl tried to say.
"I think its okay for you to call me Camila" i chuckled.
"Camila, i um. I don't know what to say. i know though that. that was amazing. & that i've wanted to do that ever since your first day teaching here" she said quickly.
"Lauren, i second that it was amazing. I cant do this though" i said sliding off the desk.
"Why?" the younger girl asked.
"Because Lauren, I'm your teacher. I can get arrested, Lose my job" i started listing all the bad things that could come out of this potential relationship.
"You cant get arrested. Im 18. & you wont lose your job because no one will know. No one has to know. I know though that i cant come into this class everyday knowing that you aren't mine." i smiled because the thought of i being hers & her being mine made my skin feel like it was on fire. the good kind of fire.
"What do you mean okay?" she asked me.
"Okay, lets go" i said to her.
"Where are we going?"
"To my apartment" i said. "You don't have to be home right?"
"Not at all" she said to me with the biggest smile on her face. We both walked out the school & she followed me in her car back to my apartment.

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