Meeting the Characters

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Tyler's POV

Yo wassup I'm Tyler as in Tyler Jackson also known as T.J but call me that and I will chop your head off and put it in a blender then drink it. I am crazy so don't mess with me. If you wanna survive going to school with me or anything like that then you need to follow these three simple rules...1. Don't look at me for more than thirty seconds. I find it annoying and rude like take a picture it lasts longer. 2. DON'T EVER STEP ON MY SHOES. I pay a lot of money for these shoes. 3. Don't take my stuff like that is really annoying and immature plus that is a sign that you like me and trust me I am not flattered. Just follow those rules and you might survive. Before you ask I have friends and a secret crush that only my best friend Raven knows about I have known him the longest matter of fact here he comes...TOUCH HIM AND I WILL KILL YOU...HE IS MY BEST FRIEND NOT YOURS!!

Raven's POV

Heyy my name is Raven and I see you have met my friend Tyler he seems like a jerk but don't worry once you actually get to know him he is actually a good person just going through a lot he is caring, sweet, understanding, sensitive, and hot, and omg I am falling for him or have I always liked him and not noticed it...well time to confess I have liked Tyler since forever. His aggressiveness and looks turn me on and sometimes. I just think to myself all the things we could do together." Hey Raven" a familiar voice said causing me to snap out of my daydream it was Olivia she is apart of our squad the squad is made up of me, Tyler, Olivia, Zaria,Dominic, Kendall, and the one who makes everything interesting De$(now that girl is a hot mess like really she needs help).


Hey people of the earth I am De$ yes as in De$ $mith also as in craziest girl in school the one who always get suspended and is loud, funny,tough...but sensitive I have to admit I love love(see what I did there) I am so emotional but idc my friends love me and my family loves me and most importantly I love me. The real person I want to love me is my crush she is my world I can't stop thinking about her but damn I mean no girl has ever got me like this. Anyway you should know one thing about me and that is I like to change the subject all the time and something else...oh yeah I don't avoid questions I just don't answer themyou will learn about that later on. Well better get going...gotta blast💨🏃✌

Olivia's POV

OMG!! Heyy!! I am so excited and nervous I mean who wouldn't be wait...what am I talking about? Lol! Ok so I caught Raven daydreaming AGAIN!! I know what and who he was daydreaming about he told me all about his crush on Tyler I am the only one who knows but I really think they would be a really cute couple maybe the best in the school!! I know the person who could help she can get anyone together all I gotta do is ask her when she is in a good mood or just beg and bribe that always works and when it doesn't I just blackmail especially since I know some stuff about her but she will probably do it if I ask her nicely enough about that more about me...I love dance and food that is it! Byee💨🏃✌

Kendall's POV

Sup I am Kendall I didn't want to come but De$ made me cuz "I owe her" but anyway hey now buh-bye bitches!!

Zaria POV

I am Zaria!! Out of everyone in the squad I am the good and innocent one an-"sometimes well you have your moments hahaha" " De$ why are you here I thought we have separate times and you already went? " "well I did I just was being nosy! Hahaha" "De$" " what?" "Out"! Now! "Ok fine". Sorry about that De$ is a hot mess but we love her she is so funny and bad but at the same time she is understanding and can keep secrets but at the same time she really has no room to judge well that is enough for now. See ya later!! Sorry haters!

Thanks everyone for reading I will be working on chapter one and get ready because stuff is gonna heat up real quick later.

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