The Party

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Maya's POV:

So I decided to throw a party since its Saturday and spring break is finally here. The party starts at 7:00 and its 6:00 so I better go get ready.

I went to my room, took a shower, did my makeup and hair, and then put my dress and heels on.

"Hmm, not so bad!" I say look at myself in the mirror.

Suddenly I hear the doorbell.

I open the door and see Lucas, Riley, and Farkle. Riley and Lucas are dating, but Riley's a total bitch. Lucas is my best friend and I have a huge crush on him. The reason he started dating Riley, aka the school bitch, was because of a stupid Instagram matchmaker thing.

"Hey guys!" I greeted Farkle and Lucas. "Riley." I say with no emotion.

"Hey." Lucas says giving me a hug.

Lucas's POV:

"Hey." I say trying to get over the fact that she looks hella sexy in that dress.

Lucas stop! You have a girlfriend!

It was so hard not to grab her ass at that point.

Riley's POV:

While Lucas and Maya were hugging, Maya winked at me and took out the middle finger at me.

That girl wants to steal Lucas away from me, and well it's not gonna work.

Maya's POV:

After about 30 minutes everyone started showing up. There were people in the backyard, the pool, my couch, the floor, everywhere basically.

I went to look for Lucas, but I couldn't find him inside the house, so I went to the back yard and saw him in the pool.

"Hey luckie!!" I scream out to him.

He comes out of the pool all wobbly, he must be drunk.

(She's drunk too btw)

"Hey Maya, why don't you change into a bikini for me, and get in the pool?" He asks.

"Maybe I will." I say flirtatiously.

I run upstairs and change quickly. Then I go back downstairs and jump in the pool.

Lucas jumps in also, we have a splash war. 

He comes closer to me and grabs my waist. He then pulls me close to him and we share a deep and passionate kiss.

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