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Also know as Lammas, or first harvest hot summer days will be soon come to an end. Grains are ready to be harvested and the fruits are ripe for picking. The God is dying now and the Goddess watches in sorrow.

Symbols of Lughnasad: 
Corn dollies, Sun wheels, Threshing tools, The full moon.

Herbs of Lughnasad:
Acacia flowers, Aloes, Cornstalks, Cyclamen, Fenugreek, Frankincense, Heather, Hollyhock, Myrtle, Oak leaves, Sun flowers, and wheat.

Inscents of Lughnasad:
Aloes, Rose, Rose hips, Rosemary, Chamomile, Passionflower, Frankincense, and Sandalwood.

Colours of Lughnasad:
Green, Yellow, Gold, Orange, Red, brown, bronze, (colours of harvest & sun).

Stones of Lughnasad:
Carnelian, Cat's eye, Lodestone, clear Quartz, Rhodochrosite, Obsidian, Citrine, Adventurine.

Many pagans celebrate this time to remember its warmth and bounty in a celebrated feast shared with family or coven members. Save and plant the seads from the fruits consumed during the feast or ritual. If they sprout, grow the plant or tree with love and as a symbol of your connection with the lord and lady.

Walk through the fields and orchards, or spend time along springs, creeks, rivers, pounds and lakes, reflecting on the bounty and love of the lord and lady.

Baking bread and wheat weaving ~ such as making of corn dollies, or other Gods and Goddess symbols.

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