Casting a circle

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    My way of casting a circle is quite simple. You don't need anything, but I do like to have objects to represent the elements, things like: a bowl of water or sea salt for water, inscents for air (the smoke rising makes me think of air), a candle for fire because of the flame, soil, a fallen leaf or a stone for earth, or even just four candles set in the four cardinal directions that correspond with the elements. I begin by setting my items out the way I need them and then visualize a vibrant, cleansing light surrounding me (and any others that may be in the circle). After I feel that light has been adequately visualized and is strong, I call the quarters, asking the elements to join me in my circle:

The North

"Hail to the Guardians of the watchtower of the North! By the power of the Earth and the mother, I do summon, stir, and call thee to forth witness this Rite and to guard this circle."

(With your athame/wand/hand, draw an invoking pentagram for the Element of Earth in the air)

The East

"Hail to the Guardians of the watchtower of the east! By the power of air and invention, I do summon, stir, and call thee forth to witness this Rite and to guard this circle."

(With your athame/wand/hand, draw an invoking pentagram for the Element of Air in the air)

The South

"Hail to the Guardians of the watchtower of the South! By the power of fire and emotion, I do summon, stir, call thee forth to witness this Rite and to guard this circle."

(With your athame/wand/hand, draw an invoking pentagram for the Element of Fire in the air)

The West

"Hail to the Guardians of the watchtower of the west! By the power of water and intuition, I do summon, stir, call thee to the forth to witness this Rite and to guard this circle."

(With your athame/wand/hand, draw an invoking pentagram for the Element of Water in the air)

    Of course you can change the words to whatever you want. If you can't remember the exact words improvise! I feel this ritual should always be from the heart. I ask the Lord and lady to gather in my circle to help with what I'm asking or doing. I may call upon certain deities on what I'm doing within my circle.

   After I'm done with what it is that I've done, be it a simple ritual, magick, or just mediation, I close the circle. To close the circle. I start by thanking the Lord and lady for participating with me. Then, I thank and dismiss the Quarters, going backwards from when I called them:

The West

"I thank you, Guardians of the gate of water, for witnessing this Rite and protecting this circle. Fare thee well and safe return. Blessed Be!"

(With your athame/wand/hand, draw an invoking pentagram for the Element of Water in the air)

The South

"I thank you, Guardians of the gate of fire, for witnessing this Rite and protecting this circle. Fare thee well and safe return. Blessed Be!"

(With your athame/wand/hand, draw an invoking pentagram for the Element of Fire in the air)

The East

"I thank you, Guardians of the gate of Air, for witnessing this Rite and protecting this circle. Fare thee well and safe return. Blessed Be!"

(With your athame/wand/hand, draw an invoking pentagram for the Element of Air in the air)

The North

"I thank you, Guardians of the gate of Earth, for witnessing this Rite and protecting this circle. Fare thee well and safe return. Blessed Be!"

(With your athame/wand/hand, draw an invoking pentagram for the Element of Earth in the air)

** Notice that when invoking the Guardians, you are doing so in a clockwise (Deosil/sunwise) motion around the circle; and when you dismiss the Guardians, you are moving counterclockwise (widdershines).

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