2.) Tears and Teasing

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Chapter 2- Tears and Teasing

~Dipper's POV-~


Dipper's eyes widened slightly when the teacher called on his name but got up out of his seat nonetheless. Keeping his right hand over his eye-patch and his left hand fisted at his side, he made his way over to the front of the classroom. The room felt suffocating as he walked, it felt as if everyone was staring at him- which they probably were. He stopped in front of the two adults and stared at them with an impatient expression.

"What do you need?" he asked, his voice cold and didn't bother being nice while he got straight to the point. 

The principle glared at Dipper with cold eyes but the teenager wasn't fazed a bit. "We need to discuss your behavior in the classrooms. Not to mention how it is only the first day and I'm having to speak with you," the man in front of him looked very disappointed but Dipper didn't give two shits. "This is no way to introduce yourself."

"Yes, I know," Dipper said, trying to act like he cared about what they thought of him, at least, a tad bit. "I'm sorry for the way I acted but she asked me to do something that I cannot do."

The principle's, Dipper still didn't know his name nor did he care significantly, eyes flickered up to the eye-patch over his eye before resting back on Dipper. "And was that to just take off your "eye-patch" you have on because it violates school rules?" he asked,  smirking slightly as if he thought that he could actually win this argument. 

"Sir," Dipper sighed, already aggravated from the amount of density these adults held. "The eye-patch I wear isn't just for show, I need it."

Dipper could see the principle roll his eyes minuscule. "Care to tell me why you need it?"

The teenager narrowed his eyes and shot the principle a death glare. If looks could kill, that man would surely burst into flames on the spot. "No," he said plainly, not caring at the gasps the teacher and principle himself let out. "It is my business only and no one else has to know about it."

"Know you listen here-" the man started but he was cut off by a strangled cry from the teenager in front of him. 

Dipper yelled as a sudden blast of pain shot up his body, causing him to hunch over in an attempt to ease the pain, which was a failed attempt. Shit. He mentally cursed as he felt his left eye- the one underneath the eye-patch- burn hotter than normal. 

I need to get out of here.

The else Pines' twin dashed out of the room, hitting the principals arm on the way out but he didn't stop to apologize or explain his sudden behavior. Instead, he threw open the door and let it close slam shut behind him. Dipper's eyes were almost clenched shut, resulting in him not being able to see very well and he slammed into the lockers a couple times in his mad dash to get as far away from the classroom as he could. 

Dipper stumbled into the farthest bathroom he could find before his legs gave out under him and he sank to his knees, resting his head on the cold, tiled ground. His pale hands were clenched into fists and his dark brown hair was messed up even more than usual as his body shook from the amount of pain it was going under. The teen couldn't tell if it was just a relapse, a memory or past, or if it was the real thing. God, how he hoped it wasn't the real thing because that meant he wasn't safe again. But then again, he hadn't been safe since the day he came to Gravity Falls.

Tears stung Dipper's eyes and no matter how much he tried to keep them at bay, they were just too much and he ended up adding sobbing to the list of things he was going through at the present moment. The pain continued to burn throughout his body, creating a wall between the ability to tell what didn't hurt and did hurt. It seemed as if his entire body was set aflame. Dipper prayed to gods that didn't exist for the pain to go away and for him to just be able to live a normal life but he knew that would never happen, no matter how much he tried. 

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