I love you

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I just wanna say that, you guys will probably hate me.


"Naruto, you know I didn't mean to put a knife on you!"


"If it makes you feel any better, I didn't hurt." I smiled

"You know what would make me feel better sai! You taking me home to my family and friends, everybody's worried about me, and you have the nerve to just smile. Don't you even care for my safety!"

"I do-

"No you don't, if you did you would take me home!"

"I'm sorry you feel that way." I smiled

"You just don't care do you."

"I only care about you, and no one else!"

"You sick bastard."

"Love you to!"

I smiled and left, without telling him where I was going.


I was in the corner of the room. I wanted to leave so bad, sai scares me. He wasn't in the room, he went to look for food.

To my eyes, he lefted his phone. I run to the table and grab his phone, and call sasuke

Minato & Kushina

Naruto, where ever you are, please be okay. "Hello?"



"Its great to hear you again."

"Where are you?

"All I know is that, I'm in an abandon hotel."

"But, there's no abandon hotel in konoha."

"Sai must've took me where you guys wouldn't find me."

"Naruto, listen we know where you are, hinata and sasuke went to go get you, the police are following them."

"That's great news!"

"Naruto promise this, be safe!"

"Alright dad I will."


"Are we almost there?"

"Calm down, were going to save him!"

My phone started to ring.

"Who's calling you?"


"What! Why?"

"I don't know."



"Naruto? You alright?"

"Yes, but I wanna leave,

"I know you do, were coming to   get you. Just hold tight! Did sai hurt you?"

"He held a knife up to my neck. But he did no damage."

"That bastard!

"How do you know where I am?"

"Hinata has a tracker in her phone. Because you know, hinata she loves to get drunk."

"Ya, I remember this one time she ended up in California,"

"Hahah, ya we all know I ended up in Cali, so what."

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