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When in doubt, do it. ~Oliver Wendell Holmes Jr. 

Calum's POV

I walked into Ashton's office, he was sitting at the desk. "Hello Calum." He greeted me with a smile, I gave a small one back to him. He watched me sit down. "You and Michael make a miserable looking couple." He announced and I went wide eyed.

"What are you talking about?" I asked.

"I'm here to help, not to comfort." Ashton said. "But, you just don't look happy. Neither of you do." 

"What makes you say that?" I huffed as I folded my arms.

"Now don't get upset with me." Ashton said with a sigh. "You don't look like you're very interested in Michael, and Michael can tell. It's very off putting to a man who wants a little.. More from his partner." 

"Please, Michael doesn't want anything intimate from me." I crossed my legs.

"Do you want something intimate?" Ashton asked. "Maybe that could be the issue you feel. You're lonely, but you need something.. Interesting to fill that gap, right?" 

"Why am I talking to you about this?" I sighed as I put my hand on my face.

"For starters I'm a therapist." Ashton laughed. "But I, I think I can help you with that Calum." 

"You can help me with that?" I asked and he nodded his head. "How do you plan on doing that?" 

"Well.. Nothing can leave this office," Ashton began. "You can discuss what happens in here freely, but I am deemed to keep my mouth shut, I legally must stay silent. Anything you say or do in this room is sealed by the legality of law. So.." Ashton stood up and swung his legs over the top of his desk so he was sitting in front of me. 

He gave a wicked smile, a grin that made me believe his intentions were poor. "We can do whatever you want, if it will make you feel better I'll do anything." 

"Anything?" I asked. 

"Whatever you say." Ashton gave a grin that made me.. Almost uncomfortable. I was wondering if we both had the same thought on our mind, or if I was just going crazy. Ashton slid off of the desk and leaned on the arms of my chair. "You're interesting, I really like you." 

"W-What..?" I whispered out. Ashton's face was directly in front of my own and I felt like I could not move a muscle. Instead I shifted slightly but he did not move. 

"I want a little more from you, I think I can make you feel better." Ashton told me. He placed his hand on my face and I almost froze, but his touch was not enough to make me cold, instead it was warm and soft and held some sort of deep longing. 

"What about Michael..?" I mumbled. 

"Calum I'm only here to make you feel better." Ashton told me. He was almost a robot. This lead me to wonder if he acted like this with other people. 

"Do you do this with your other patients?" I hissed out. 

"No, of course not." Ashton said. "Especially since I have a pretty high female population of patients, if you understand." Ashton ran his hand through my hair, he watched it fall back into place and I could only admire the glow of his eyes as he looked curiously at me. 

I was going to push back on him, seeing as how wrong his touch, and the level of friction felt around Ashton, but instead my hands slid around his neck. I caught his attention and his eyes flicked back to me. He looked like he was longing for some sort of intimacy, like he truly was willing to do anything. 

I never knew how I got myself into this situation, but I felt Ashton's lips on my own and pulled him closer to me, enough so he slid down onto my lap as my hands laid on his legs as his hands cupped my face. I could feel him grinding down onto me and let out a small moan in response which only seemed to make Ashton want to do it again, before he could move another muscle there was a knock on the door and Ashton pulled away from me as if nothing had happened. 

He straightened his shirt and walked to the door. When he opened it, in walked his secretary. "Your next patient is here Ashton." She told him. I never looked over at the two, I could only find myself looking forward as I held onto the arms of the chair.

"Thank you." Ashton said as he closed the door and walked over behind his desk. I looked over to him and he sat there with that stupid smile. 

"This was.. Productive." Ashton told me. "I would like to resume from here when we meet again, that okay?" 

"U-Um..Yeah.." I said quietly.

"I can walk you out," Ashton rose from his desk and I stood from my chair feeling slightly shaky. While we were walking towards the door I could feel Ashton's hand on my bottom and felt myself freeze. "Sorry." He laughed lightly as he leaned over my shoulder, his other hand sliding down my side. "I can't keep my hands off of you. I should know better."

"It's okay." I said, barely above a whisper. Ashton opened the door for me and we walked to where Michael was standing, Ashton walked over to him and put a hand on his shoulder as he whispered things to him that I never cared to understand. He made it seem like I really needed quite a few sessions in order to improve my mental state. 

I looked between the two and felt a conflicting feeling. After all, was this stupid little thing with Ashton really just.. Professional? To fill the void in the relationship I had with Michael? Wasn't this wrong? My head was spinning, but I could not bother to dwell on the idea. 


Lol you're welcome. 

Hugs, Kisses, Cuddles and Serenades xX

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⏰ Last updated: May 29, 2016 ⏰

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