Chapter Three: Broken Memories

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Summary: After entering the mansion, the countries may never be the same. Someone figures out how to get out of the mansion with everyone alive, but...not everything is as they hoped it would be... Some countries may never go back to being sane... Rated for Romano's dialogue and for some intense moments.


Chapter Three : Broken Memories

Japan and China

    Before leaving, Italy had given a silent ackward hug to everyone, well not France and and Russia-they seemed to have disappeared. Japan was slightly uncomferable with the hug; however, he did not shove him away. Italy had been through a lot, as well as everybody else, and should be treated with care. Italy released him.

    "Goodbye Japan, I-a hope to-a see you-a again soon-a."

    "Hai, as do I Itary-san. Ki wo tsukete(Take care)."

    China had been suprised when Italy hugged him, but he still returned the hug,"Goodbye China. I'm-a glad we-a could all-a make it-a out."

    "Me too, aru. I'm glad you are alright Italy. Japan and me are going to have dinner at my place, aru. Would you like to join u'?"

    "No but grazie. Maybe another-a time. Germany saw-a me die-a and I-a don't think-a he's fully-a recovered. I think-a I should-a stay with-a him until-a he's better-a."

    "Okay, just give me a call when you want to come over for a hearty Chinese dinner! You and Germany can come if you want."

    Italy gave a slight smile,"Grazie, China. I will-a see you-a later."

    "Goodbye Italy."

    Italy walked away and began to talk with Spain,"I think it is time that we went home China-san."

    "Yeah, this place is giving me the hibbie-jibbies. It time we go, aru."


    China and Japan parted from the rest of the group. They took a taxi to the airport and then took a plane to China's house.


    China was getting ready for bed. He glanced at a clock on the nightstand. Japan had given him a clock. (okay since America could have a laptop in 1942 Japan can give China a clock). China shook his head.

    Didn't Japan know that giving someone a clock ment that that person wished death on the other person or could be a curse. China didn't recall teaching Japan this. He should have. He had a really bad feeling. Maybe Japan thought that giving the clock to him ment food fortune. He would have to tell him that he was wrong, and have to teach him properly.

    Still, he had a feeling something bad was gonna happen.

    China pressed his hand against his mouth as he yawned. He would just have to worry about it tomorrow.

    Suddenly China felt a searing pain across his back. He cried out as he fell to the ground. Blood slowly pooled around him.

    His vision was blurry as he looked up. His younger brother stood above him, holding a bloddy katana. He sheathed it and turned around."J-Japan...w-why..."China whispered before blacking out.

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