Chapter Four : A Game

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Summary: After entering the mansion, the countries may never be the same. Someone figures out how to get out of the mansion with everyone alive, but...not everything is as they hoped it would be... Some countries may never go back to being sane... Rated for Romano's dialogue and for some intense moments.


(A/n: Hello! I finally updated! Sorry for this being late. I was going to be updated last week, but I had a really really bad week. And sorry if this chapter is really crappy, I wrote at freaking one in the morning for you guys so please don't judge. Anyway I'm about to pass out so, I hope you enjoy! Please comment! Disclaimer: I do not own Hetalia, any of it's characters, nor Hetoni- if I did... well you don't even want to know.)


Chapter Four : A Game

America, Canada, and England

    America, England, and Canada went home together. Canada was actually being noticed for once. Since England's house couldn't house all three of them without the use of a couch, and America's house was closer to Canada's as well as his own, they decided to stay in his house. One of the smaller ones of course, America, let alone everyone else, wouldn't be going into a large house for a long time.

    America slowly opened his eyes and lazily looked to England whom seemed to be asleep. He turned his head to look over at his brother Canada who seemed to be nervously fidgiting with the hem of his shirt. He opened his eyes a little bit wider to study him.

    Something just seemed off about him. He just couldn't quiet place his finger on it. Canada seemed to notice that someone was watching him and looked up. He caught his eye and smiled at him.

    "You're finally up, eh?"

    "Yea, man. I can't sleep forever-it just doesn't seem right, ya know?"


    America sighed and turned to lay on his back to stare at the ceiling. "I can't believe we actually got out of that hellhole,"he muttered as though they were sharing a secret.

    "I know, eh. It just seems so unreal."

    There was a silence between them before America sat up and looked at his brother,"Get some shut eye bro. There's only a few hours left before we land in New York. You should get some sleep in."

    "Eh? I'm not too sure if I-"

    "Come on Canada. I'm your bro, nothing bad will happen while you sleep, 'kay?"

    "What aboot you, eh?"

    "I'll be fine I slept most of the way here anyway. You on the other hand should get some sleep, I don't think I've seen you sleep the whole ride."

    "I haven't but-"

    America looked his brother dead in the eye,"Get some sleep before we land. I mean it."

    Canada almost objected, almost, but quickly nodded,"Okay then. I'll try to sleep, eh."

    The elder of the two watched his brother. When his breathing became slow and regular, he sighed and laid back, looking at the ceiling of the plane. Normally he would have teased Canada about being scared that something was going to get him in his sleep, but he didn't feel up to it. Especially after escaping that place.

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