"Not a date"

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I’ll be at your house at 4.

I read Justin’s text again and checked the clock hanging on the blue wall of my room. 3 o’clock. Perfect, I have an hour to get ready.

I lazily got up from my comfy bed and went into the bathroom. Stripping off my pj’s I slid in the shower and turned the hot water on, letting it warm me. I washed my hair with my Pantene shampoo and soaped my body while the conditioner was doing its job, untangling the mess my hair was after I fell asleep on my bed without untying the complicated bun I had worn to the theater. After I rinsed my whole body and hair I felt my muscles had relaxed. For some reason I was feeling nervous about this ‘hanging out thing’ with Justin, I don’t know why.

I stepped out the shower and wrapped a soft blue towel around my body and another one around my hair. I applied some lotion on my dry skin and put on my underwear. Unwrapping the towel from my head I instantly felt cold as my wet hair hit my bare back, making me wince. I got a comb and started brushing it through my damp locks. I opted for letting it dry by itself in my natural waves.

Now, the most complicated part of the process: what to wear. First, I don’t know where we are going. Second, this is not a date so I can’t look like I want to impress Justin. Third, I simply don’t know what to wear. I decided I needed help. Reaching for my phone, which was resting on my pillow, I dialed Kelsey’s number. It rang two times before she picked it up.

“B?” Her happy voice echoed through the line.

“Hi Kels.” I greeted.

“How was your date yesterday?” She asked in a mocking tone, knowing I hated those boring plays.

“Perfect.” I exclaimed sarcastically. “He took me to watch The Three Musketeers.” Kelsey sniggered on the other side of the phone. “The only good thing was the dinner after it.” I laughed. “But anyways, that’s not why I’m calling you.”

“Why is it then?” Curiosity was clear in her voice. What can I say, both Kelsey and I are curious people.

“I’m hanging out with Justin later and I don’t know what to wear.” I put more emphasis on the second part of the sentence in hopes that she would ignore the first one.

But I had no such luck. “You’re going out with Justin?” She screamed on the phone.

“Say it louder, I think people in China couldn’t hear you.” I scoffed.

“Are you like dating Nate and Justin at the same time?” She gasped and I heard a slap. She must have hit her head. “How did I not see it?” She mumbled to herself.

“Kelsey stop it! I’m not dating Justin, we’re just going on a friendly date.” I made sure I put a stress on the words ‘not’ and ‘friendly’.

“Maybe for now…” She trailed off, laughing evilly.

“What’s that supposed to mean?” I put the hand I wasn’t using to hold the phone on my hip and frowned, even though she couldn’t see me.

“Nothing.” She said innocently. I dropped the subject since it was already 3.30 and I wasn’t dressed.

“Will you help me or not?” I asked getting impatient.

“Jeez, how cold is it?” She said calmly.

I walked to the window and lifted it, sticking my arm out. “It’s kinda warm.” I replied, closing the window again.

“Then go for a simple look, jeans or something. I don’t think Justin likes heels, caked-up faces and Chanel.” She suggested. I don’t think he likes that either. “Although, you don’t really care about what he likes, do you?” Her smirk was noticeable even in her tone.

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