Chapter 5 - Thank you so much...

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"Olivia, can you hear me?"
I slowly open my eyes and I find myself in the nurse's office at the orphanage. I attempted to raise my body, but the nurse stopped me.
She puts her arms onto mine. "Please rest, you lost a lot of blood and your torso is bruised."
I let my body relax as I slept on the table where I was place. I slowly drift to sleep as bandages are placed on my head and torso.

*Time skip - 25 minutes later*
"You can wake up now, Olivia."
I open my eyes and slowly raise the top half of my body.
"You suffered many bruises in your torso and loss blood in your arms" the nurse responded, "You need some rest for now, I can ask for some assistance if you ne-"
"I'll be fine," I replied to the nurse, "I can walk for now."
As I walked out the nurse's door while dragging my left leg, she says, "By the way, someone left a gift for you when they brought you here. I put it on your bed, incase you wanted it."
I nodded and said thank you. I slowly use my arms to support my balance on the stairs, and as I did, I thought to myself, "It might be the leftovers Danny has. The nurse might've told him."
Once I got to my room, I looked to my bed and my jaw dropped to the floor.
There was a Tiny Box Tim plushie sitting on my bed with a little note attached to it. It said "Get Well Soon! Love: Markiplier"
Tears stream down my face as I hugged Tim.
"Thank you so much..." I said.

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