Chapter 18

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Chloe's POV

When I wake up it's like I have some kind of amnesia. I don't know where I am or how I got here or who brought me here. The last thing I remember is that I was sitting in a chair in a room woth the others. Except for Gracie who had just bursted out of the room and Eric who followed her to talk to her. They were gone for quite a long time. We were having a meeting with Bucky and Nick Fury. He said that the searching for our parents had given results. I remember being excited about going to this place were my dad hopefully was. And then all of the windows in the room broke. We all got scared and hided as well as we could. I was under the table and I saw Ryan on the opposite side looking worried at me. Then, suddenly, he got picked up by someone or something. I tried to reach him, but that's when I got captured too.

My sorrounding was just another cell, all dark except for the light that came from the glassdoor. There was another cell on the opposite side of mine and I saw a man standing up. Jamming his hands on the glassdoor yelling something. Only one word. My name. My ears where filled with a beeping sound but I could see his lips forming my name. I shake my head and the beeping starts to go away and I can hear the man.
"CHLOE!" He yells over and over while trying to get out of his cell.
"Dad?" I squeeze still having a hard time remembering where I am.
"Yes. Yes, Chloe honey, it's me. I walk towards the glassdoor, but it's open so I start running towards the cell where my dad is. I start to cry as I am running. The door to his cell is closed, but I can still see and hear my father. My tears start to turn into tears of joy. I smile at my father holding my hands on the door and he does the same.
"Dad." I say happily with tears in my eyes. "Are you okay? Are you hurt?" I instanly regret saying that, but it is a normal instinct of mine. My father is about to say something when the un sound proof cells turn sound proof. We both try to talk to each other, but I can't hear anything. A loud noise comes from above and I look up to see that a metal board is coming down to cover the glass door. My father looks up too and we start to jam on the door. I have to get him out. I can't lose him too. I can't loose the only family member I have left. The metal board is now covering the glass door and I can't see ir hear my father. I start crying again, begging the door to open up, but it's no use. I sit down still crying, leaning my back against the metalboard. Right when I am about to lean my head back too, I fall back and realise that the metalboard is gone and the door is open. My father catches me before I fall and I quickly get myself together and hug him in a tight grip, tears now streaming diwn my face and I let out a huge sigh of relief. My father helps me up on my feet and we are standing there for so long.
"I've missed you so much!" I say with my face on his left shoulder.
"I have missed you too, sweetie." My dad responds and I smile when he says that.
"But it's okay now. We're together now and I will never leave you again." I can hear him crying when he says that, but I know that it's true. It's a promise that he just made and he will never break it. He can never break it.
"I love you dad." I say so small that it sounds like a whisper.
"And I love you too" my father says crying against my back.

"Clint? Chloe?" A dark voice interrupts our father daughter moment and I turn to my left to see Steve Rogers standing there hugging his son. He is filled with surprise and happiness and relief and I give him a big smile, still crying. I look behind him and I see the rest of the original avengers having their own family reunion. One mother, one father and one child. Two in the Rogers family. And no mother in my case. But I'm just happy that I have my father.
Word count: 778 words.

So they finally get to see their parents again. It's: I love you's, I've missed you's, hugging, crying, happiness, relief. All that comes when you get to see your parents again after a really long time.

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