Chapter 30

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Eric's POV

We were all on our way to the Stark tower. Me, my dad and the Rogers family walking in the front. It wasn't until Tony yelled something that made us turn around and see Adam and Thorunn kiss. He finally got the girl. After all this time, I've known his crush on Thorunn and now they are finally together. Finally. Ryan told them to get a room and that made us all laugh. Maybe he's not so bad after all. I guess he just needs his family to bring out the good in him.

When we started walking again, I couldn't help but look at Gracie. I kept looking at her until she caught me staring at her like I had some kind of heart eye emoji plastered on my face. Which I kinda did. But as soon as she saw me staring, I turned my head, but I could feel the brown eyes of her scanning me up and down. Now I couldn't stand it anymore, so I grabbed her hand and entwined it in mine. She smiled brightly at me and I kissed her temple.

After about 30 minutes of walking, we eventually and finally arrived to the Stark tower. It wasn't as damaged as the rest of the town, but still not whole. We, or more like Tony, didn't want to hire anyone to rebuild what was destroyed. He wanted to do it himself, the rest of us helping him.
I took time, but we managed to rebuild the Stark tower. If the rebuilding of Stark tower ever stands in a history book, I would most likely read it and like it. It was different from the very first version of the tower. It somehow felt bigger and more refreshing.

When we were finished, we all decided that we should throw a party and invite a few people from S.H.I.E.L.D. Like agent Maria Hill and director Phil Coulson. Obviously there were some other people, but Hill and Coulson were the only two that I actually knew.
Maria seemed to be very attracted by my father and I didn't know why, but for some reason, she was nicer to me and my father than anyone else. Why was that? Did she used to work with him or something? I kept looking her way and tried to read their lips, but it was impossible. The only thing I caught her saying was: "He looks and reminds a lot of you." But that wasn't such a bad thing, was it? At least I think that's what she said.

When Gracie's favorite song, Long Way Down, came on, I knew I had to ask Gracie to dance with me. I walked up to her and when I saw her face, she was incredibly happy to hear that song. She was standing in the bar with Chloe in a gorgeous blue dress. Gracie, not Chloe.
"Would you like to dance with me?" I asked a little nervous. Without any doubt, she took my hand and answered.
"Never thought you'd ask! Of course I will." She giggled and I smiled brightly as we made our way to the center of the dance floor. I put both my hands on her hips and she put hers around my neck. It as hard not to smile every time I looked at her. The song was almost over, but they kept playing great songs.
"Can I ask you something?"
"I think you just did." She laughed and looked down.
"I'm serious."
"Okay. What is it?" She finally looked up.
"Will you be my girlfriend?" I said looking her straight in the eyes. I wasn't even a little nervous when I said that. She got a shocked look on her face and it made me confused.
"Why would you ask that! I thought I already was your girlfriend!" She bursted out. I grinned widely and we both leaned in and kissed passionately.
"I said it before and I will say it again; if you are going to make out, get a room!" Ryan said as he walked by and we broke the kiss and looked at him. All three of us started laughing.

2 months and 8 days later

"MERRY CHRISTMAS!!!" We all said in unison and joy, raising our glasses to make a toast. Everyone had already opened their presents except for one gift that my dad was going to give to Maria. It was something really special and I was the only one who knew other than my father.
I didn't recieve many gifts, but I was happy with the ones I got. A watch, a new suit and tie and quite many candy canes.
"Alright everyone. Can I please have your attention?" My dad called out. We all looked his way and I tried my best not to smile to big.
"I have one last gift to give to a special someone." He said and made his way up to Maria.
"I have known you for a long time now and my gift to you is this." He got down on one knee and everyone gasped. "Agent Maria Hill, will you-" he never finished his sentence before she kissed him and everyone cheered. I went to hug my dad and Maria. I now knew why my dad proposed to her and how they knew each other so well. She was my mother and now I couldn't be happier. I had found out who my mother was, Gracie was my girlfriend and I was going to be the best man at my fathers wedding. This was officially the best christmas I've experienced so far. It was the best day of my life and I never wanted it to end.
Word count: 956 words.

I am really sorry for not updating for over 2 weeks, but I lost inspiration and got distracted and a lot of other things happened.
I know this chapter isn't the best, but I wanted to give Eric and Gracie some romance and same with Bruce.

All good stories must come to an end and, unfortunately, this is it. I hope you incredible soldiers have been enjoying this book and thank you for almost 18K reads, it means so much to me and I love every single one of you😘💗😘💗😘💗

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