Chapter 25

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Bucky's POV

We had been walking on the empty streets of New York for hours and we still hadn't found any clue about where the kids were.
And by "we" I mean me, Steve, Natasha, Tony, Pepper, Thor, Jane and Clint. We had all tried to contact them through our earpieces, but we only reached each other. They were all extremely worried. Me, not so much. I knew that Ryan was able to take care of himself, but this time he might be having it harder.

My thoughts drifted away while the others were arguing about where we should be looking for the kids. They drifted to Wanda. How our time together was, how she had been carrying my son in her stomach for nine months and just her personality. She was all pure and kind and sweet, but that wasn't the thing that made me fall for her, no. It was her graciousness and her brown eyes that made me get on the path of love. She made me a better person by just being in the same room as me. I wasn't like that when she disappeared from my life. I wasn't a better person. I wasn't good.

My thoughts got interrupted when I saw Steve waving his hand in front of my face.
"You okay Buck?" He asked a bit confused with his charming voice.
"I'm fine buddy." I answered with a simple and small smile, putting my arm  on his shoulder to make him understand that what I said was true.

Thor suggested that we should split up, but of course no one was in for that, so we just kept on walking, yelling their names, trying to get some kind of response. As we took a sudden left turn, I stopped and my eyes caught the shadow of a woman on the street. My eyes kept looking her way and then I realised who it was and my eyes widened. Wanda. I kept looking at her figure coming closer and closer for every second I was standing there. Soon enough she was a few 100 metres away and perfect for me to scream her name only once.
"Wanda!" She caught my sight and her eyes widened and a smile cracked upon her face. She started running towards me and I ran to her as well. Less than 10 seconds later, I embraced her in a huge hug making both me and her burst into tears. I was so happy to see her after all these years. I kissed her head. I didn't want to let her go ever again, but eventually we let go and I kissed passionatly.
"Bucky, my love" her words stumbled, "I have missed you with all my heart. I love you." As she said that last sentence, she cupped her hands around my face and we kissed again before getting interrupted by Tony. We both started laughing and I let go of her to let her hug the rest too. My eyes followed her as she hugged them one at the time. Steve walked up to me. I didn't realise it, but I was still crying and he gave me a friendly hug.
"It's okay Buck. She's here now and she won't leave again."
All of sudden, I heard voices behind me. Voices that I recognized. I turned around just to see the kids.

"Gracie! Adam!" Natasha called for her kids and they quickly discovered her and ran up to her and Steve. A few seconds later, Little Banners came up and hugged his father. Then came Thorunn, Harold and Chloe to do just the same with their own parents. And last, but certainly not least came my Ryan. My own son. At first he just looked at me, but when I took a step forward to hug him he opened his arms and hugged me back. He gad soon started crying when Wanda eventually came up to us and we had a family hug.

All was well and good until the sky turned darker and darker. We all looked up to see robots. I was assuming that they were a part of Ultrons new army and I was right. A hologram showed up with a message from him, telling us to get prepared for his return.
Word count: 716 words.

I am really in love with this chapter. I mean I just brought Bucky and Wanda together and there was a Stucky moment. Another family reunion in this chapter and a cliffhanger maybe? I am planning to start the "war" in the next chapters, so look forward to that.

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