The Sorting

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"Better get ready , the trains stopping ." said harry peaking through the window

Raven nodded grabbing her luggage but then harry shook his head

"We don't need to get it ." said harry smirking

Raven once again nodded

"I'll be weird won't it? I a fifteen year old being sorted with a bunch of first years ." said raven shaking her head

"Better get ready for the embarrassment " harry said grinning and elbowing her . raven grinned back
Just then Ron arrived "bloody hell mate !get away from her ! You don't want to catch that disease she has. Awful slut " Exclaimed Ron shooting raven a look of disgust

Raven got angry and walked closer  to him " what did you just say to me?"

"Bad move dude." Said harry

"Slut slut slut! Whatcha gonna do huh? Cry?!" Said Ron mimicking a baby

"Oh its on!" Shouted raven grabbing his wrist punching his nose and finally flips him over . he crashes to the ground howling in pain
"Slut? Baby? Try that again." Said raven heading towards the castle

"That girl is totally a Slytherin!" Shouted draco malfoy

"She isn't she talked to me like a civilised person on the train" replied harry

Draco just stared at them and took off

"She's not going  in Slytherin, she's not going in Slytherin, she's not going in Slytherin, she's not going in Slytherin" harry chanted over a million times before entering the hall

Dumbldore stood up ad gave his speech and telling about raven and raven carefluley placed the hat on her head . she sat nervously there and then the hat talked only so she could hear

"Ah , so much courage and talent and resourcefulness . also cunning very cunning not to mention strong very strong but where to put you? Ah you're hoping I'll put you with you're little interest ....harry potter ? Well then... GRYFFINDOR !!!"

Harry literally leapt with joy and Ginny and Hermione looked at him with crooked  smiles.
Harry just shrugged , he knew she wouldn't  sit with him instead she sat next to Fred and George harry could see Ron's disgusted look . to Harry's misery Fred and George were sitting way along the other side


"Hey! You guys own that shop Weasley wizard whezzes!" Exclaimed raven

"Yeah we do .how do you know?" Asked Fred

"Dude I bought a bunch of pranks there ! The indoor swamp that is awesome!" Said raven

"I think this is the beginning of a beautiful friendship
Raven laughed still talking to them, harry didn't like this

"Students this year students from Dumstrang and Beuxbottoms will be coming as Hogwarts is hosting the tri wizards tournament !" Said dumbldore and there was so much applause then hr explained about the champions and all

"Were going to enter!" Said George

"But dumbldore said that  only people of agevof seventeen can enter . you guys still didn't turn seventeen ." corrected raven

But Fred and George exchanged grins and walked away

"Hey! "Said harry slapping her on the back

Caught of gaurd raven stumbled forward

"Dude!" She said

"I'm supposed to show you the common room " he said

"Sweet! Let's go!" She said dragging him

Just then Hermione appeared

"Hi ! I'm Hermione! We've met right? I'm Harry's best friend!" She said grinning

"Cool" said raven not paying attention

"Alright raven since your new and exchange student you will be having your own separate room.....what?!" Said harry disbelievingly

"Awesome!!" Exclaimed raven snatching the parchment

Harry waved his friends good night and caught up with Raven

"Nice!" She said looking at her room and common room

"Not fair ! This room is huge" said harry stomping his foot like a five year old

"Alright well--then bye ! Good night" said raven

"See you tomorrow " said harry walking out 

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