The First Task

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A.N -- Warning ! There is swearing in this chapter and time skip to after raven and harry know bout the dragons

Raven was banging her head head on the wall

"Stop that or you'll get amnesia!" Said harry pulling her away from the the wall

"What's amnesia ? " asked Ginny curiously

Just as harry was about to answer Ron burst in "never mind what that fucking bloody git is saying Ginny"

"Watch your mouth " warned raven

"Ha ha ! What a threat ! This bitch ha !"

Harry's blood hooked so much all off a sudden a huge lighting bolt along with thunder cam outside "bloody hell! It was sunny !" Screamed ron

"Uh--must have...umm come " stuttered harry

Raven eyed harry suspiciously then turned away.


"Potter! We need to talk " said Moody after class

"I'll catch up " he said to Raven and Hermione

"Had you figured out the firs task yet?" Growled moody

"No, sir"

"Alright listen you need to look into your strengths. What are out good at ?"

"Um.....I'm good at flying "

"Can you summon our broom?"

"No sir i can't "

"I know you cant. I there something which will make you so the dragon won't see you ?"

Harry's mind immediately thought off the invisibility cloak by he didn't say it as nobody except few knew hr had it

"And you're friend raven....."

"What about her " said harry more rudely than he thought

"Does she she have a plan?"

Harry shook his head as raven would have told him if she had a plan

"Is she good at flying?"


"Well then she could use her broom. I'm sure she can do a summoning charm "

Harry nodded and left still wondering why moody helped him. He got back to the common took and tod raven and Hermione everything.

"Brilliant ! Moody's brilliant! An of course I can do a summoning charm! And harry could summon his what--?"

Hermione look said that harry was going to play cool and tell her nothing but sorry said--

"Invisibility cloak ." he said simply


Every champion was assembled in a huge tent waiting.

"Well nervous?" Harry asked raven

"No. I feel great! Of course I'm NERVOUS!!" Yelled raven


"Alright champions fob the first task you will be facing dragons " said dumbldore. Nobody was surprised as everybody already knew " in this bag lie five dragons. The one you pick is the OE you'll be facing"

Dumbldore passed the bad to fleur. She picked a dragon and looked at it as they passed the bag to Krum he also picked out a dragon then passing it to Cedric then harry then Raven. Raven picked out a green one.

Slowly fleur went first as she entered harry could hear the girls cheer. There were many gasps and hen a cheer. Which mean fleur got the egg. "Viktor Krum!" They announced hisbwent just as fleur. After a while it was Harry's turn. Raven hugged him "don't die. K'?" She smirked "real supportive " he said

He walked out and could hear Hogwarts cheering. Then he saw the dragon. It immediately leapt for him he ran behind a rock where he couldn't find him. Then immediately he screamed "accio my dads cloak, the invisibility cloak! "Through the air cloak came into his hand nobody could see it. He immediately grabbed it and put it around him. Hagrid always told him dragons have great hearing power it took him a long time as he went close he crushed a rock " oops" tri dragon immediately turned and ripped off the cloak harry ran as fast as he could with the dragons trailing behind him and crash landed with the egg . there was a roar from the crowd.


Harry watched as raven came out of the tent. Then he saw it Hungarian horntail. Hagrid told him it was the most vicious. Just her luck. Then the dragons leapt for her she his behind a rock as there was a gasp from the crowd. She ran towards the egg as the dragon breathed fire but for some reason fire didn't seem to affect her. This harry and everybody else was very confused. But hr Didn't care. Raven his behind a rock and flicked her wand a broom came soaring through the air. Raven immediately caught it and hopped on. Harry was bout see how good she was and she was amazing. Her drift her turn, incredible! She immediately flew out he dragon followed her for a few minutes none spotted her. Then she came soaring through grabbed the egg and hit the ground.
There was a huge cheer but apparently harry wasn't the only one to see she was gravely hurt.

"Out of the way Mr potter this girl is in serious medical condition !" Yelled Mrs pomfrey

"Will she be alright?" Asked harry


At that word Harry was relived. He actually thought she was hurt badly.

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