chapter 7

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I woke up the next day, completely aware about what had happened that night. I was sort of afraid to open my eyes and face him. I could hear him breathing but it wasn't so heavy so I knew that he was awake.

What was I gonna say to him? I had never done the have sex with your friend thing. Was I supposed to brush it off and we would continue as it never happened? Was everything ruined? Would our entire friendship be filled with awkwardness that made us just not hanging out because we wanted to avoid that? I didn't want that. 

I wanted more. It was weird, because I hadn't thought about Jimmy in that way but now that this happened I sort of did. Or had I thought about it before? I mean we always flirted, always kind of acted like we something more than just friends. Maybe that was me showing him that I had feelings for him without actually knowing it myself? 

This would absolutely be awkward! Jimmy probably had no feelings at all in that way for me and everything would just fuck up…

"I know you're awake Rhaea", he said. 

"Damn", I said and had to stop my panicking thoughts. 

I opened my eyes and saw him laying there next to me, without a shirt on. I tried not to look on his naked chest but it was difficult. I caught myself biting my lip a little like I always did when I thought someone was attractive. 

"Liking what you see?" he asked and I could hear the grin on his lips even though I wasn't looking at his face.

"What?" I said and looked up on him. 

"Okay, I can pretend that I didn't notice that you were totally checking me out", he chuckled. 

"Ass", I mumbled. 

"So… last night…" he started.

Of course. Here came the awkward talk. 

"Yeah", was all I could bring myself to say. 

"I don't know about you but I actually don't have anything to say", he said.

"I'm confused."

"Well again, I don't know about you, but I really enjoyed it and well… I'm sort of happy it happened."

"Same", I said. 

"Really?" he asked and sounded kinda surprised. "I mean that I was happy it happened because I kinda like you."

"Yeah I know that was what you meant", I smiled. 

"So what are you saying?" he asked.

"I don't know about you but I think that we should maybe give this a try", I said. 

"This is becoming too many 'I don't know about you' but yeah, I'd like that", he smiled. 

"Good", I said and kissed him. 

That went to another make out session. I stopped us right before that could become anything more by putting my hands on his chest and pushing him away a little.

"Myra and Matt probably are awake… i don't think they want to hear us", I said.

"Well fuck", he said and laid down next to me. 

Then he suddenly stood up and started to put on his clothes. 

"Where are you going?" I asked. 

"Home. I just remembered that my sisters are coming over today! I'll be back tonight alright?" he said and pecked my lips before he headed to the door. 

Jimmy, the most random dude ever. 

I got dressed too and then went downstairs where Myra and Matt sat in the couch in the living room, watching  TV. 

I sat down in the couch next to Matt and watched with them. Or so I thought. Myra turned off the TV after just a few seconds and both of them turned their faces towards me. 

"What?" I asked. 

"Don't what us… Tell us everything. How was it?" Myra said excited.

"How was what?" I asked, playing dumb. 

"Come one, we all heard you two upstairs. It's not like you two was making an effort to be quiet", she said.

I buried my head in the pillow. Well fuck. 

"So how was it?" she asked. 

"I'm not gonna tell you two that", I protested.

"Yeah I really don't want to hear about your sister and my best friend", Matt said to Myra.

"Then go somewhere else. I want to know everything", she said. 

"Off I am", Matt said and stood up and walked downstairs, probably to the studio. 

"So how was it?" she asked again. 

"it was…" I started, not really knowing what to say. 

"Bad? Good? Amazing? Horrible?", Myra asked.

"It was fucking mind-blowing", I said. 

"Hm… Jimmy mind-blowing… can't imagine", she said. 

"Well it was", I said. 

"So did you two have the talk before he ran away to meet his family?" she asked.

"Yes we did." 

"Was it totally awkward?" 

"Not at all actually. We decided to see where this goes", I said.

"As, where this goes as a couple?" she asked.

"Yeah something like that", I smiled. 

"Oh my god this is great!" she exclaimed happily. 

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