chapter 14

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Jimmy's POV

I woke up by that I fell and then hit the ground really hard. I looked up, confused, and saw that I'd fallen down from my bunk. I then heard something I hadn't heard for a long while. Rhaea laugh. 

I looked up towards the bunk to see her face peeking out of there with a big smile on her face. 

"I'm sorry Jimmy", she laughed. 

"You did this?" I asked. 

"I think so, I forgot that the bunk is tiny", she smiled. 

"Well I'll make you pay for this", I said and jumped up in the bunk and sort of landed on her. 

"You're suffocating me!" she said.

"Too bad for you then", I smiled. 

"Good to know that you want to kill me", she said then kissed me. 

That kiss didn't end there…

I got dressed in my t-shirt and jeans that I'd been wearing the day before that since they laid in the bunk already. 

"Can you give me new clothes?" Rhaea asked. "I'm not as gross as you."

"I'm not!" I protested. 

"A little", she chuckled. 

I gave her some clothes that laid in the top of her bag, I had no idea how a girl thought when she chose her clothes so I didn't make an effort. 

"Perfect", she said and got dressed. 

Apparently I chose a white oversize tank top and black jeans shorts. 

I had to say, I was a little surprised about how happy Rhaea was today. She had really gone into herself, not talking to anyone the past few weeks. More than she had before. 

Rhaea's POV 

I was starting to get tired now again. It had been the middle of the night when I pushed Jimmy down from the bunk and after all we'd been doing after that was the clock reaching 9 am when we decided to get dressed. 

I could feel this day being a good one. I felt somehow happy. Or happier. The good start of the day absolutely helped the good mood. 

Jimmy gave me clothes to wear so that I didn't have to go around naked in the bus where all the others was. My white oversize tank top and black jeans shorts, good choice. 

I jumped down from the bunk and landed next to where Jimmy stood. "I love you", I said and stood on my toes to reach up to his lips to kiss him. 

"I love you too", he said and bent down a bit to help me. 

He was so freakishly long!

We went out to the living room where we knew that we would find at least some of the others. And we were right. Brian laid asleep in some weird angle in the couch and Johnny and Matt sat at the table, looking hangover as fuck. 

"Moooorning", I sang and sat down next to Matt.

"Someone's in a good mood today", Johnny muttered.

"Of course she is, she just got laid", Matt said.

"Excuse me?" I said. 

"We heard you", Johnny said.

"Yep", Brian mumbled from the couch. 

"You guys suck at being quiet", Matt said. "You need to work on that."

"It's worth some practice at least", Jimmy grinned to me. 

"Too much information!" Brian whined.

"Go back to sleep", I said to him.

"Yeah", he yawned and then shut up. 

"So where are we?" I asked, looking out through the window, only seeing the highway. 

"On our way home, the tour is over", Matt said.

"What?" I said surprised. "We've already been in Canada?" 

"Yeah, last week", Johnny said. 

"Wow… So what's happening now?" I asked.

"What do you mean?" Jimmy asked.

"What are we gonna do after this?" I asked.

"Be lazy as fuck and not do anything?" Matt said. 

"Then you all can be those lazy fuckers on a plane to Australia", I smiled.

"What?" the three of them said. 

"Why Australia? You know that's across the world right?" Matt said. 

"It'll take like a million hours", Jimmy said.

"Yeah I know actually, I've been there quite a lot", I said. "Come on guys! I miss home. Please." 

"I wanna go", Myra said who walked out from the bunk area. "I haven't seen mom and dad in a million years." 

"Okay.. let's go to Australia", Matt said. 

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