Chapter 2: Accidental Kiss

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...3 months later...
Harry, Jewel, Nasir, Tomaza, Jaydan, and I were all at Red Robins. Harry and I sat next to each other, Jewel & Nasir sat together, and Tomaza and Jaydan sat together. Tomaza, Jaydan, and Nasir were old friends from middle school, while Jewel was my cousin.
"So, how's Auntie Kari, Mia?" Jewel said, eating a french fry. "She's great. She met a new guy." I waggled my eyebrows. Jewel laughed, "Well finally!" Nasir opened his mouth to say something, but then closed it and went back to playing tic-tac-toe with Tomaza. Jaydan had her arms crossed, a shy smile on her face.
"Are you gonna forgive Kaylee?" Jaydan leaned forward. Everyone went quiet, and looked at me. I breathed in deeply. A few days earlier, Kaylee had come up to me and Harry, and apologized to me for everything. "I....I haven't decided yet.." I answered carefully. Jaydan frowned slightly, but nodded.

I fiddled with my fingers, as it was still silent, the awkwardness overwhelming. Nasir finally stood, and said, "Well, I have been meaning to do this for a while..." He took Jewel's hand, and pulled her up next to him. He turned her to face him, and she smiled, paralyzed in shock. "N-Nasir?"
He got on a knee, and looked up at her. "Jewel Karina Wilson, will you do me the honour of being my girlfriend?" Jewel started to cry, and shouted. "Yes. Of course Nasir!" She leaped into his arms, and they shared a heart-warming kiss.
Nasir had bought two promise rings, and they put them on. Jewel was blushing, Tomaza, Jaydan, and I hugging her, while Harry gave Nasir a pat on the back.

"Thanks for dropping me off, Har." I stood in front of my door, fiddling with my hands. He smiled his charming smile. "Of course, 'Davis. Any time.." It became quiet, and Harry shuffled foot to foot. "So..." I looked up at him. He slapped his forehead. "Oh yea, I forgot! Do you wanna go with me to the zoo? My dad said I could take someone with me." I grinned widely. "Yes! I haven't been to the zoo in ages! Thanks Har." We stood there, hugging each other, and I looked up at him, and our lips brushed! We both jumped back in surprise. My eyes were wide, while Harry tried to suppress a grin. "Err..sorry, Davis." He didn't look sorry at all. "I....Bye Har." I rushed into my house and shut the door. I leaned against the door, and slid down while I closed my eyes.

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 05, 2016 ⏰

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