Why dont you understand?

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Willow pov

I woke up and ma and dad were asleep. I sat up and looked at my stomach. Worthless. I heard dad wake up but I didn't move I couldn't take my eyes off of my stomach.
"Hey beautiful." My dad said. I didn't respond. "It's not true." He said noticing that I was looking at it.
"Why don't you understand?!?" I said
"I don't deserve a life where people love me, and I'm treated nice!" I whispered/yelled. He engulfed me in a hug.
"Yes you do. I promise you no one will ever hurt you again." He whispered in my ear.
"I love you dad." I said
"I love you too, princess. Now get some sleep I'll stay with you." I nodded then soon fell alseep in my fathers arms.

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