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Wills pov

I woke up and dad was no where to be found. I walked out and aunt Carol was cooking food.
"Hey sweetie how about some breakfast?" She asked.
"No thanks aunt Carol." She smilied at me. "Oh is it ok that I call you that."
"Sweetie that just made my day." I nodded then went over to momma.
"Hey momma." I said giving her a hug.
"Hey baby girl how are ya doin."
"Better. Where's daddy?" I asked. As soon as I said it I was swooped in the air.
"I don't know where is he?" Dad asked. I poked his nose then he sat me down. Just then the barn doors opens and Gareth walked in.
"Go to Carol." My momma said.
"Aunt Carol." I said running into her arms.
"Its all gonna be okay sweetie I would never let anyone hurt you." She said holding me.
"Just give me the girl and me and my friends will gladly leave." Satan said walking towards us. One of his 'friends' grabbed Carl and put a gun to his head.
"Move and my friend over there shoots." No one moved as he came over and grabbed me. Aunt Carol wouldn't let go of my hand until Gareth ripped me away from her. They let Carl go then I was held just like he was. We slowly walked out of the cottage place I saw momma, dad, aunt Carol, Rick, and Carl all crying.
"Welcome back to hell." I heard Gareth say right before everything went black.
I woke up to a fire right next to my face. I jumped back and tried to move my hands, but I couldn't they were handcuffed. Just as I looked up I got slapped.
"Who wants the first go?" Gareth said. Some randome dude in the back got up cut off my clothes raped me, burnt me, cut me, and punched and slapped me. Just then Rick had Gareth at gun point. Then Daddy came over took his knife and gutted Gareth. My daddy is my hero.
"Carl get her out of here!!" I heeard mom say. Just then I was being pulled up by Carl. He gave me his sweatshirt since my clothes were all ripped up.
"So how old are you?" He asked as we walked back to the cottage.
"16" I said looking at the ground.
"Wow.... But your so tiny."
"Yeah well I don't really eat anymore and I guess I'm naturally short." I said and he laughed. Just then we arrived at the cottage I fell into a bail of hay and fell into a deep sleep.

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