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"She's been alseep for 2 days now." Daddy said.
"She's our baby. Our little fighter she'll wake up she has too." My momma spoke her voice gave me comfort just like daddy's.
"And we she does were gonna make her eat something." Big brother Abe.
"You can say that again. I wish she would hurry up and wake up. I miss her." Aunt Carol. Most of my family was here. I need to wake up. I willed myself to pry open my eyes and when I did a bright light hit my eyes. Then I was being sandwiched in a hug by mom and dad.
"I'm okay." I said my voice raspy. Then I stood up suprisgly without falling and hugged Abe.
"I'm okay big brother." I said and he smiled at me and nodded his head telling it was okay to call him that. Next was aunt carol. She gentley folded me in her arms as if she would break me.
"Did you get them all?" I asked daddy. He came over and hugged me again.
"Every last one of them." I heard Rick say from behind us. I ran and gave him a hug. Then I saw Daryl sitting over in the corner looking at me. I knew he had to kill some of them there is no way he would miss out on it so I ran over and gave him a hug too. He patted my back awakardly.
"Thank you I whispered in his ear.
"No need they deserved it." With that I walked back over to my momma and gave her another hug. I couldn't get enough of mommas hugs. After everyone forced me to eat something I went to find Carl. I fount sitting outside reading a comic book. I sat beside him.
"Thank you." I spoke he looked at me.
"For what?" He said.
"Everything." I kissed his cheek then went back inside leaving him speechless.
Sorry guys I know it's been a while. I'm dealing with depression so that's taking a huge toll on me right now. I don't know when I'll be able to update again I'll try my best to update again soon but I'm not sure. Also sorry for any mistakes I really didn't feel like editing 😘😍💗💖 I love you guys!!

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 25, 2016 ⏰

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