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The Glade. That's what this new place is called. That's what Newt said. 

And the Maze. We're surrounded by a giant maze. Monsters called Grievers roam it at night... and during the day. 

Runners. They're the guys like Thomas and Minho who run through the maze every day looking for a way out. They'd been stuck in a similar maze before. They thought they could get out the same way at first but it wasn't there anymore. Everything is worse this time. Storms rage every other night. The heat during the day is intense. I'm the first new kid, or Greenie, since they got in the maze (again). That was months ago. 

I lost my memory. That's normal, apparently. It's scary, though. Not knowing who you are, where you came from, not even remembering your family, your friends. Newt said the Creators did it to everyone the first time. They hate the Creators. The Gladers, that's what they call themselves, saw the Creators the first time. WICKED- World In Catastrophe: Killzone Experiment Department. That's who the Creators are. 

Our job? That's easy. Stay alive and get out of the maze. Get our lives back. That's what these guys have been trying to do for... months, years in Newt's case. 

What do I think? I think that this is terrible. I think I'm going to wake up and this will all just be one big dream. That none of it's real. 

But I know better than that. What I know is that I want to get out of here as bad as anyone else. I want to help. 

I want to be a Runner.

(Below: Ty Simpkins as Will)

(Below: Ty Simpkins as Will)

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RUN: A MAZE RUNNER FAN FICTIONWhere stories live. Discover now