Alex's kink

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Johnnie's POV

I wake up analyzing my surroundings; it was still dark, the only origin of light being my phone's screen. I looked down and I stared at her, peacefully sleeping in my chest. Her purple and black hair was covering her face and I could barely see her skin. I moved some hair with my fingertips being really careful, trying to not wake her up and after painful seconds I watched her gorgeous face.

I often wondered what I did to deserve this angel, and I still am. She's truly the best thing that's ever happened to me. And since she moved in along with Kyle my days are way better than before.

After daydreaming for a while my mind snapped me back into reality, Alex was looking at me straight in the eye, she seemed really tired and not completely awake; a faint smile in her lips and a look that could soft everyone was seen in her face.

"Hey." She whispered with almost no energy, I smiled and pushed her face again into my chest.

"You sound terrible." I chuckled and I heard her moaning. It was clear she didn't wanted to sleep again. "Want me to make some breakfast?"

"Hmm... I think I know what I want." She winked and proceeded to kiss my neck. I understood what she meant.

"Not now, Bryan and Kyle are still on the living room." I said making her stop. She sighed.

"What if we film? It's been a while."

"You're right, but first let's get ready, we look like shit." I muttered and she laughed. We 'woke up' and proceeded to get ready without making a lot of noise.

I set the camera on the usual spot in front of my bed and Alex walked in with her makeup, some extensions and clothing on her hands. I already knew what she was planning.

Het smirk widens when I sighed after looking at her 'tools'. The camera started recording and she started the video.

"Hi guys it's Alex and today I'm here with this weirdo!" She said to the camera and I started acting miserably. She started explaining what's going to happen: she's dressing me up as a girl. Again.

"Get your shirt off." Alex demanded, she couldn't stop smiling. I did as she said and she put on her bra on my body. This one was different; it was more tight than the others and had cups.

She finished with my outfit and did my makeup, the last part were the extensions once she ended she looked at me.

"Damn, this time you look better than ever." Her playfully smirk was still there, eyes looking at me filled with lust and her hand touching my chest. I heard a 'bip' coming from the camera, hoping Bryan and Kyle heard it. After all, they never were in the living room.

Alex sat down on my legs in a straddling way. For some reason I was also turned on by this dirty little secret of her, even when the process is really awful. She smacked her lips with mine and we started making out on my bed.

She seemed really desperate for this moment, leaving hickeys and bite marks on my body. Me dressed up as a girl always turned her on, I never say no to this because it's one of the few moments when she actually wants to, you know, frickle frackle.

After kissing me for a while, she stopped and stared at me. Her hands made their path to my pants, and just when she was about to unbuckle them we heard a door open. Then, a knock on my door.

"Dude! It's 6 already, we need to go to Phoenix in an hour!" I heard Bryan yell and Alex automatically got off my legs.

"We're finishing this later, baby."

Hey! So I'm not having ideas, and I'm not having requests, that's why I'm not updating as often aa before. Sorry :/

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