Bryan and... a brick?

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Outside was pouring rain like crazy, the skies were dark and you could hear the water falling to the floor. BryanStars was sitting alone in his room, hearing noises of his roommate, Johnnie Guilbert and his girlfriend who was visiting Alex Dorame. He never felt so alone in his life.

"Johnnie! Stop!" He heard Alex giggle, he supposed Johnnie was tickling her. Bryan sighed and looked at the screen. He needed love.

"One day I'm not going to be alone anymore." He muttered to himself while checking Twitter, a daily rutine of work.

There was a knock in his door and stepped out of his chair to open the door. Johnnie was on the other side looking at him with his sleepless eyes. Bryan made a giant sigh.

"Dude, you haven't gotten out of your room since two days ago let's go do something." Johnnie said to a sad Bryan who sighed even more, he nodded and got out of his room making his way to the living room. Alex was sitting in the couch watching the laptop and then greeted Bryan with a silent 'hi'.

The three friends started YouNow and Bryan felt like a third-wheel all the time. People on YouNow started saying how  much Bryan needed a girlfriend and Johnnie started joking around.

"I ship Bryan with a brick." the emo lord laughed at the screen, gaining a glare from Bryan.

"I think we have a brick in the other room." the blue-haired girl said looking at Johnnie's room.

"I'll find my girlfriend then." Bryan shouted and went to Johnnie's room. It was a living mess and he even found a used condom in the floor. Disgusting. Out of nowhere he stepped on something hard and cold; it was a brick, how the fuck did they found a brick? No idea. He grabbed it and went to the living room where Alex and Johnnie were replying to comments.

"See, Bryan found a girlfriend!" Alex said making room for Bryan and he sat down on the couch with the brick in his hands showing it to the public.

"Yup, sex is amazing." He joked making Alex laugh while Johnnie facepalmed with a grin in his face.

After they ended the YouNow Johnnie threw the brick on Bryan's bed. He didn't noticed until he went to sleep, where his back touched the brick violently.

"Dammit!" He said getting off the bed, noticing the brick in his bed. He sighed and put the brick in the other side of the bed and cuddled it.

"Well, no any other girl would do this with me but... Ah, whatever." He drifted off to sleep with the brick, years later got married and two kids appeared.

One was named Jared.

Short, weird and random, yup.

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