Return of the Dragon

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He stepped into the cafe, a simple muggle cafe. There was no way that he would risk his usual cafe, he hadn't been there in years. No, instead he dropped into one small business after another, never going to the same one twice. The man went to the counter, ordered his usual black coffee, and waited. He received his drink and made his was to an empty table in the corner. Suddenly, he felt eyes on him. He whipped his head around, looking left and right for whoever was staring.

It was her. It was the girl in the portrait. His jaw fell, his eyes wide open, his body limp. This was the most beautiful baby girl that he had ever seen. It was his baby girl. He stood slowly, his eyes intently studying her. A movement in his peripheral vision attracted his attention to the girl's mother. A slim, petite woman with chocolate brown hair that curled wildly. His mind sparked immediately. He knew that hair.

Hermione sat in her favorite cafe, reading the daily post. She held her two and a half week old daughter in one arm, sipping her coffee with the other. The usual din of conversation and footsteps no longer bothered her, but a particular set of footsteps stood out from the others. These steps were slow and heavy, yet somehow still very cautious. She turned her head and found herself face to face with the one person she did not want to see under any circumstances, she would honestly rather face Ron. Those eyes were so beautiful, they made her heart melt. But Hermione came to her senses quickly enough, looking quickly and frantically around herself for an exit. She stood quickly, hoping to leave before he could make his way to her, but as she stood he had made his way to be directly in front of her.

"Hermione," his tone was soft, and his hand instinctively reached out to touch her cheek. She pulled away.

"Malfoy," her voice shook, "what brings you here?" She casually adjusted Leslie to be turned away from him, hiding her face.

"I just came for a coffee, fancy seeing you here." He smiled genuinely at her. "May I please see your baby?"

"Uh, yes." Hermione turned Leslie back toward him and he smiled at her.

"So," Draco began. He had decided to feign ignorance to Leslie's patronage. "How is Ron?"

"Well, we actually aren't together anymore. I haven't seen him in almost 11 months."

"Ah, well. How old is this cutie pie here?" He gestured to Leslie casually.

"She's almost three weeks. A preemie though," Hermione sighed and smiled. "Listen, I have to go. But it was really nice to see you again." She made her way out of the door and turned into the nearby alleyway, leaning against the building in relief. Her breaths echoed against the dirty brick walls.

"Okay, enough bullshit Granger." The voice came from the entrance of the alley. She froze.

Hermione didn't dare to look up, toward the entrance to the alleyway. She knew exactly who was speaking to her.

"You may be able to hide from me, but you can't hide from the truth. Others may fall for this crap, but the world knows the truth. Don't think I haven't seen the tapestry." His voice was sharp and harsh, his footsteps echoing as he moved closer to her.

Suddenly, Hermione remembered that all pureblood families had a tapestry. Of course. She felt him hovering over her, and she lifted her head. There he was. All of his beauty stood before her. No, she had to stop this. She shook the thoughts of him out of her head.

"Let me see her."

"Excuse me?" Hermione was shocked. He thinks he can be a tool to her for seven years, then disappear, and suddenly reappear demanding to hold her baby.

"Let me see my baby girl," he sounded like he was beginning to whine. Hermione shook her head no. "Please, Hermione, please just..."

"Okay, Malfoy. You may see her." Hermione was relieved to not have to hold Leslie back anymore. She watched Leslie reach toward him, and she saw her smile. This broke her heart.

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