Part 1

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Ever since he was a kid Charlie Brown was a total failure. All everyone saw him as the block head next door. When Charlie Brown was 13 Playing outside with his friends. He finally had enough of the name calling and Lucy pulling the football away.His life changed there and then.
   The very next day he went to the gym to get a membership. Right when he got there he headed for the weights." Are you sure about this Charlie Brown don't you think you need a spotter?" Linus said in a worried tone. " Linus shut the fuck up I got this!"
  Charlie Brown was putting 145 pounds on the barbel. " Charlie Brown are you nuts! Take it easy you need to lift about 40 pounds right now my nigga." Linus said while spitting in Charlie Browns eye. " Like I said before....  I got this." He lifted up the wait and BAM! The weight landed on Charlie Browns airway!
" Get this motha fuckin thing of of me."
Ok I'll take it easy, and get a spotter.

Charlie Brown ALL GROWN UPWhere stories live. Discover now