Part 4

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It's been 6 months since he raped those 2 girls. The Cops have been looking for him. The next day Charlie Brown woke up startled. He heard a noise at the door. He slowly tip toes over to the peep Hole. He saw the cops with with their guns on there hands. " OH SHIT!" He said quietly. He snuck out the back, stole a Chevy and head from North Carolina to Alabama. " Someone ratted me out!" Charlie Brown  stated. " but who?" He said with confusion. Was it "Linus,Lucy,snoopy who?"

He said.
Meanwhile at his house the cops broke down the door. In search for Charlie Brown. "HE HAS TO BE IN HERE SOMEWHERE!" Lucy shouted. "Are you sure you were a witness?" one cop.  
asked. " YES! I SAW IT WITH MY OWN 2 EYES!" She said frantically shouting. "LOOK THE DOOR IS OPEN!" One cop shouted. " Shit we gotta find him!"
Charlie Brown. Was cruising on his Chevy to his new house which he conned from from a house seller and gave him a written check with no money on it! He decided to call Lucy. To Brag about everything.
He ring her up. "Sup Lucy! How's everything in your life?" He asked. " good!" She replied. "HA SUCK MY DICK BITCH IM LIVING A BETTER LIFE THAN YOU IM IN ALABAMA RIGHT  NOW! LIVIN IN A SWEET ASS HOUSE WITH A SWEET JOUSE CAR!" Charlie Brown was happy he got that of his chest. " ok you got me." She said sarcastically "yeah you do have better shit than me, but I got more hair than you!" Charlie browns face was plain. Ok bye!! Charlie didn't know hat Lucy pushed the record button!

There is a part 5. I'm jut being stupid with his story😂😂

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