Chapter 2- A Man Of Love?

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" it because you fell in love with me?" -Sakura

"Do I look like a man of love?" -Sasuke


Uchiha Sasuke is heartless, merciless. Ever since his parents were killed, he bacame like this. And it was all because of his beloved brother, and he will do anything to kill him.

He was cold. Cold as an ice. His only purpose is to kill and kill and kill. He doesn't show any affection to anyone except his family. Everything was cruel, dark and ruthless. But, what the hell happened back there?

He frozed when he saw those eyes. Those green orbs that speak something she really feels. Loneliness and revenge. That's what he saw, and Uchiha Sasuke himself would be so familiar with that feeling because he himself was in that situation.

Fuck it! He cursed mentally.

"Oh, you're awake." He brought his gaze to the source of the voice. The woman from last night stood in front of him. Unarmed. But she still wore her cat suit.

"I'm surprised you didn't escape yet, Sasuke-kun." He flinched at the way she called him. It felt very weird, especially when someone didn't call him that for years.

"Who are you?"

She smiled and pulled the chair near the table and she sat down in front of him. Sasuke checked his hands and it was cuffed. Not just some handcuff, the handcuff that automatically electrify you if you try to resist.

"I'm cherry blossom." She spoke in english which made the raven smirk and let out a chuckle.

The pink haired woman blushed a bit, because anyone who would hear this man chuckles everytime would probably think he's ver sexy.

"Sakura? Is it?" He spoke in English too and it was her turn to chuckle.


"What about your surname?"

"That's classified." She earned a frown from him which make her giggle. How she love to watch him pissed.

And then, Sasuke felt those weird things as if something is inside his stomach. It was churning.

"Why didn't you kill me yet?" He asked not even bothering to look at her. Sakura smiled a little then crossed her legs and her hands.

"No. Why didn't you killed me? You had a very big fat chance Uchiha. You stopped. Did your sexy body stopped working last night?" She teased him, the raven haired man sent her a terrifying glare. But she didn't bulge.

"Maybe..." She trailed and smirk furrowing her eyebrow. "Is it because you fell in love with me?"She gasped excitedly, but he knows all well that she's just acting.

"Do I look like a man of love?" He snapped at her which made her put her hands up and backed away. She shooked her and let out a chuckle.

"Well yeah." She smiled. "For me, only."

Sasuke widened his eyes a bit and averted her gaze by tilting his head to the side. Glaring at the poor cabinet.

Just then, the distant sound of an explosion was heard. She quickly jerked up from her seat as an arrow shot the wall. "Shit!" She cursed and pulled the raven haired man then the wall shattered into pieces. She covered both of her and Sasuke's head but then quickly stood up to grab her guns and other weapons.

A shadow could be seen approaching them. Sasuke managed to push himself up and walked to her side.

"Well, well, well..." She stopped reloading all her weapons. With wide eyes, she gathered the courage to look up.


"If it isn't little Sakura." The red haired man smirked. "Nice to meet you."


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