Chapter 6- Visitors.

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Sasuke grabbed the doorknob of his apartment ready to turn it, but he stopped. Realizing that the paper that he stuck between the door and the wall was gone.

"Grab your gun." He whispered to Sakura, the woman nodded and grabbed her gun from her pocket. He motioned her to step aside, then her grabbed the doorknob. Turned it and kicked the door open. They stepped in while aiming their gun. Six black men were standing aiming their gun at them too.

"Eliminate." Sakura muttered then she rolled aside and shoot one man on the leg. She kicked his wound and shot his head. Someone grabbed her hands and put them on her back. She grabbed herself together and flip to the side, her legs chained her opponent's neck and she twisted it. She jumped down from him and turned around to see another man charging at her, she lifted her gun and shot him.

Sasuke is dealing with other three men. He ducked as they started shooting him, but he managed to dodge all of them. He kicked one of man's gun and shot him. Kicked the other one on the head and shot him, then effortlessly shot the other one.

Sakura grimace at the mess in front of her. She walked up to Sasuke and muttered something. He nodded then he grabbed 3 duffel bags. Two were empty, while the other one was their money. He stuffed all their clothes inside the other bag, and stuffed weapons and ammos in the other one.
"I'm sure they'll be here soon." Se noted and grabbed two duffel bags. Sasuke grabbed the other one from her hand which make her raise her eyebrow.

"I'll carry this." He said then they went out.


They checked in inside a hotel, good thing that the lady is not so suspicious. Well, it because there's some tiny blood on their clothes.

Sasuke opened the door for them and they stepped in. Sakura roamed her eyes around to see that the room they will be staying for the week is just a simple room. But, with only one bed. She didn't mind though, they've slept together in his apartment before.

"I'm going to take a shower." She entered the bathroom without waiting for his response. Strip off all her clothes and stepped in the bath tub. She closes her eyes as the warm water relaxes her muscle.

As soon as she finished, she grabbed on one of the clothes they have brought. A gray shirt and white pants, then she ties her hair into a messy bun.

A ring from the telephone of the hotel that was place on bedside table, startled the two. Sakura was the one who grabbed it first.

Miss, someone is looking for you. She said she's Tsunade Senju.

Her eyes widened and her body jerked. Nervousness took over her, she knows Tsunade very well. She's a busy woman, but she came here herself. And that will be pretty serious. "Ok ok! I...I'll come down later. Tell them to wait for me please." With that, she slammed the phone back and turned to Sasuke. The Uchiha give her a confuse look.

"Tsunade is here!." She paced. "Listen here, I'll tie you on the bed again and we should act like were not so..close. But of course you need to tell her about your plan. Is that okay?"

Uchiha Sasuke's facial expression is normal as usual, as if he's not so worried that the Tsunade fucking Senju is here. Quickly, Sakura tied him on the bed again and she ran out. As she was running down the stairs, she started to bite her lower lip again. Hard.

As she came down the lobby, they are here. Just as the attendant said, they are really here. She breathed in and fixed her posture then approach them.

"Yo! Sakura-chan." Uzumaki Naruto greet. He's a level 8 agent, a superior of hers. She waved at him and averted his gaze to look at Tsunade. She's crossing her arms, glared daggers at her.

"You didn't contact us for long."

" phone is broken."

"Your mission." She remind her, and Sakura started to sweat like crazy.

"Well...let's just go up to my room first."

She lead them the way to her room. And when they arrived. Sakura is very sure that shits were about to go down.


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